Portalbold and Smol Hyper Elf in Valinor
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Or a spot in the gardens. Thank you.


And she grins and bows again and goes, teleporting back to Fëanáro's room as soon as she's out of the throne room.


Well? he says.


They're nervous that I'm going to leave, she grins. I think we'll do okay. And there are some errands I should run tomorrow, or this afternoon if we get tired of working on the fountain.


My father's a good king. What errands?


The most urgent one is that I need to go find where your meat comes from - Quendi don't eat bones, but kobolds do, and I'll get sick if I go too long without doing that. I won't get sick soon, but if I need to ask someone to save some for me or something it might take a little while to find someone who will or for them to start doing that, so it's important to start now.

The other thing is - I mentioned that kobolds die of old age, and they suggested asking the Valar to fix that, and I want to know more about the Valar before I ask - I'm not sure who I should talk to about that but it seems like there should be someone.

And I'd also like to see if I can find something to help with how bright it is here all the time, and maybe some drawing supplies, but that's not very important.




I don't like the Valar but I guess they try to be nice.




She nods and hugs him. I haven't heard anything bad, but they seem to be kind of... very big? And do very big things, and it's easy for things like that to do things you weren't expecting and don't want. So I'm going to be careful.


They are very powerful. They can do anything. Except save my mom.


Sigh, hug, think.

Do you want me to ask them about that? When I go?


No. I know what they say. They say she can come back if she wants to and doesn't have to but I want her to.


Nod. Do you think the Valar might know why they don't want to?


They don't want to because she doesn't want to.


...that's what I meant. She glowers just a bit. This language difference is starting to be a problem - in mine, it's rude to mention whether someone is male or female, so I don't want to do that, but the word we use instead seems to translate confusingly.


Oh. You should petition the linguistics guild to invent a new word. They're good at that.


Okay. Maybe we'll have time to do that tomorrow, too.

Do you want me to ask the Valar, though?


Yeah. Maybe you can help.


Squeeze, I hope so.


Fountain? He cheers at the thought.


Yup! We'll need some bowls at least, and anything else you think might be interesting to work with - nothing that might be damaged if it gets wet - and we can work on it in the gardens. She gives him one last squeeze and lets him lead the way.


He has them brought a lot of porcelain.


And they go to the gardens and she gets to work on figuring out how to make water dance.

It turns out that she can't add speed to it when it teleports, but she can preserve its existing speed and change the direction it's going in to make it shoot into the air or squirt sideways before falling. Teleporting a significant amount of water at once turns out to be messy, but if she sticks to little bits of water in quick sequence she can get some very nice, precise streams going from one bowl to another.


And they can add speed by having it fall a long distance between a few teleports, right? He's having a delightful time moving bowls all around for various effects.


Letting the water fall for speed works, yup.

The spots the water teleports to are fixed in space rather than moving with the enspelled bowls, so there's only so much that can be done just with moving them around, but putting them together in different orders to build up different amounts of speed is still pretty cool, and she'll change the spells on the bowls whenever he asks.


Come lunchtime, she asks if Fëanáro would like to go out to the square with her to get something to eat.


He is hard to tear away from a project once he's in the middle of it, but he reluctantly agrees. You know, we can tell them to bring us food, too.

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