Portalbold and Smol Hyper Elf in Valinor
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Come back soon.


Nod. Yeah, I will.

One more hug, and then she pops out to the square to collect a quick meal and then back in to find Finwë.


He is in the throne room, and he looks vaguely distressed and exhausted at the sight of her, but then forces a smile. Hello.


She bows deeply. Hello.

I owe you an apology; I did mean what I said last night but I'd been planning to be much more gentle about it.


I am very confused about what you are and the conclusions you've drawn but - is Fëanáro safe? Is he in his room?


Last time I saw them, yes. They may've gone to get breakfast, I didn't invite them along when I went to get mine.


Last time you saw who?


Fëanáro. It's... rude... to specify what type of person someone is, in the language I'm used to.


In out language it is not and so yours comes through as - lack of clarity about the subject. Where are you from? What language are you used to?


She grins, just slightly. I'm from a different world; as far as I know it doesn't have a name, though it might be that it does and I just don't know it. I have teleportation magic, which is how I came to be here; I wasn't aiming for anyplace in particular, though.




Are there lots of people with teleportation magic in your world? Could any of them appear here?


I'm reasonably sure I'm the only one - it is teachable, but I learned in an unusual way (her ears go back just a bit for a moment) and haven't taught anyone. And I don't intend to, it'd be dangerous to learn in the usual way.




Why are you escorting my son around?


From my perspective it's something that very obviously needs doing. I'm not sure why it's not, from yours, but I have only been here for two days, I might be able to figure it out once I know more.


It could be good for him but I don't understand why you're the one doing it. Or how you even met him.


Her grin is back, albeit with a note of sadness. When I first arrived it happened to be in the room Fëanáro was in at the time. And they're very cute, when they're happy, and I don't have any other demands on my time right now. She shrugs. My personal situation is a little more complicated than that, but there's nothing stopping me from staying indefinitely, so long as I can get used to how things are done here.


If he gets attached to you are you then likely to decide to hop on somewhere else?


Not at all; I know how harmful that would be. Even if I can't stay for some reason - and it'd have to be a very good reason - I'll at least still visit regularly.


...I should probably ask how Quendi age, that might be important.


We take fifty Years to reach young adulthood. Fëanáro is a very young child. Why is that relevant?


Kobolds take about a quarter of that. And - there's another factor that's not urgent and might be upsetting; would you rather I tell you now, or wait?


I'd rather have more information about anyone who is attempting to take on a role in my son's life.


She nods, and pauses for a moment before continuing.

Kobolds don't live forever; if living in Valinor guarantees that I won't die of anything but old age, I'd expect to live about another hundred years here.


Oh dear. We can petition the Valar to change that; you shouldn't die.


She goes very, very still, for just a moment.

How would that work?


Well, you would go talk with them and explain that you are going to die and they would figure out why that happens and heal you.

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