This to say, as you hate Hell, all Montagues, and Language Arts, so you hate Social Studies. Nor are you alone in this. Rowling chose Magical History to give Professor Binns. You're aware of a rap song about how, rather than learn useless things like human history, the indignant singer wishes they'd been taught about the tax code.
And you have to wonder whether to someone from a world where they don't teach history--of all things history! fencing fighting torture revenge giants monsters chases escapes true love miracles and every single campfire story that made it this far, passed from one generation to the next--whether to a person from a world where they didn't teach history in school, and let people learn it unmolested, would your world seem poorly written? Would your world seem too on the nose?
But at least--this year--in second period you just learn history; you could be in a really tedious class, like Music or Arcane Arts.