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Version: 1
Fields Changed (Original)
walk with a walk that is measured and slow to the place where the street begins
but it's dangerous business, going out your door

It is 6:35 AM.

It is always 6:35 AM.

Sometimes the world gives the appearance of it being not 6:35 AM--being, for instance, 6:36 AM, or 3:45 post meridiem--but you're wise to its tricks. Any non-6:35 o'clock you see is a ploy to trick you into lowering your guard. You hear a noise in the bushes, you go to investigate, and bam, it's 6:35 AM again.

There's no rest, no respite, there is only 6:35 AM.

Day after day after day.

Version: 2
Fields Changed Privacy
Privacy Changed from Private to Public
Version: 3
Fields Changed Board
Continuity Changed from Sandboxes to 6:35 AM