Here is Milliways. It's Milliways with an empty Belltower, but it's still a neat place to hang out between making bits of incremental progress in motion spells and coaxing advice out of the alethiometer and wedging herself into clan politics.
"As opposed to what?" snorts Amariah. "Hey, did you write in the Belltower book a few years ago? D'you go by 'Sue'?"
"'Cause I went to the Belltower, literally ten minutes ago, and I caught up, and there was an entry about a Bell who hasn't been here herself but who has a Whistle, and the picture was a few years younger than you but same uniform, same haircut," says Amariah. "Did you read it as well as write in it? D'you remember any of it? I'm Amariah. The witch one with the owl." Pathalan waves a wing.
"Pathalan," says Amariah carefully, "is my soul. In my world everyone has them and most people instinctively avoid touching each other's daemons or at least learn not to by the time they're three. If you touch him you will hurt me. There is no worse feeling than uninvited daemon-touching."
Path flutters down to Amariah's shoulder again, and says, "They haven't figured out yet that that won't work with you?"
"I've got a one of you, back home," she says. "D'you want to meet him?"
"I try. If I could take you home with me to get you out of solitary, I'd offer, but there's at least two reasons I shouldn't do that - one, you appeared here instead of walking in, so nothing would actually be accomplished if I brought you through my door, you'd still wake up eventually, and, two, we suspect that going to my world might cause your soul to manifest as a daemon like mine, and that'd just be darned inconvenient in a world where not everybody has them. Stella visited once and she made a wish against it, but it took a star, and it might not have worked if someone other than her had done it."