[One of my alts who calls herself Shell Bell - isn't that cute? - and another one whose name is Isabella Amariah and goes by just Amariah among ourselves set up a room in Milliways. The Bar'll give keys to any of us who show up and tell them where to find it. There's a guestbook. I'll give you a key if you like. Amariah's a witch. And I made Shell Bell and her girlfriend into mints, since they didn't have any of their own magic. I don't think the vampire me found it yet but I told Bar to give Elspeth a key since she's in there more often than her mom anyway.]
She appears in his apartment. (She will cultivate the knocking habit when she's not dealing with people who she's just brainphoned in advance.) She presents him with a key. "I think if there are ever enough of us in the place at the same time for it to feel crowded, I'll ask Bar if I can put an actual tower out back, but so far it's just the three who've found it and Golden who will soon enough."
"It was trippy. Me and Golden have - practically identical histories. Up until the point where we both moved to Forks, and I found coins and she found vampires. Shell Bell was a whole other story. She's from this crappy nonmagical world with a totalitarian government and she's been going to Milliways since she was six trying to collect stuff to survive and maybe be able to do something about it. The witch alt killed the president for her - I have no reason to dispute this action as correct, although I might've been capable of more restraint since I have more flexibility - and then I gave her the tools to solve the rest of the problem."
"What's the witch alt's magic like? Or did you not find that out? I want to meet her," Lazarus declares.
"I didn't meet her personally. Shell Bell described how she did it - apparently spells are made up of various combinations of poems and drawing symbols in various substances and killing animals and putting herbs on stuff. And she's got a talking owl named Pathalan who she claims is her external soul and she kept calling everyone at Milliways 'zombies' because we don't have external souls. And she -" Bella sobers. "Has an alt of Alice, too."
"And of course he's also got an external soul and instead of being an owl or something she can change shape."
"Shell Bell doesn't have one, though, her girlfriend is called Sherlock Stark, I met her and her brother Tony. And apparently the Stark twins have alts that they've met, too, and the alternate Tony has a Belltower key. It's all very tangled."
"Not unreasonably so, if you ignore how many of these people are... each... other." He smiles ruefully.
"Yeah. I wonder why some people have bunches of alts and some people don't. Or why some people find bunches of alts and some people don't. Shell Bell wanted to find another us since somebody first told her that she reminded them of 'her Majesty' - it seems to be a common theme that we take over the worlds in which we find ourselves and run magical empires, and Shell Bell figured - quite correctly - that encountering one of those would be her ticket to success."
"Is it? I haven't been making any other mints - although I need to hire at least one of the people I interviewed today if the rest of Libby's interviews fail to turn up another shortlist. Who else have I been arranging success for particularly?"
"If you want to call having a place to live and food to eat and not dying of cancer success instead of a reasonable start, sure," shrugs Bella.
"Maybe success isn't the word I wanted. You're a lot of people's ticket to more than they otherwise had."