"I give my friends stuff all the time. The stuff itself isn't a big deal. The information - and the possible badgering - could be, depending on who gets it. You're still dating a guy you don't get along with; are you still friends with someone pushy who'll take the appearance of an out of print book as a cue to tell you to curse their enemies or wish them exceptions to Mars's ground rules just this once, or...?" She waves a hand.
Bella blinks at her. "...Do you need help? Like, even if I don't hire you, do you need help?"
"If you lived on Mars you could 'block' him. Mars works like some websites in that way," says Bella. "I haven't installed that on Earth yet - I try to confine my work there to things that no one can object to without sounding evil, like eradicating malaria - but if you don't want to hear from him again and he's making that difficult, that can be arranged."
"Well, how it works on Mars is that if Andy decides to block Betty, they don't exist for each other. They can walk right through each other, certainly can see through each other and don't hear any sounds the other produces. They can't enter each other's apartments. There's some weirdness if they're in the same place at the same time and one of them is visibly interacting with an object, but I couldn't come up with a good way to get around that. If I were handling your case individually it could be more customized."
"Mars is very nice," says Bella pleasantly. "But there's no particular reason you can't work from Montreal, whether you want to make your coins alone or not, since I can teleport."
"Takes a hex," agrees Bella. "If you got the note in the first place that's probably not a problem for you."
"Anything else you want to ask or think I should know, before we call it a day?" Bella asks.
She teleports to Alice's lair again, and lets her smile fall.
Bad enough to lose her boyfriend. Worse to have to interview potential replacements.
But he might never come back. And she has other things to do.
(She is glad she didn't turn herself into a vampire. Golden Bella was in no shape to run the world during the years she spent without Edward.)