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thor meets the honestverse (no relation to marvel)
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"Okay!" They find him a couple hundred bucks in petty cash and write him a check for the rest - "the neat thing about checks is that when you cash them they get voided at the same time so nobody gets confused and tries to cash it a second time!" - and he's all done here unless he wants to cure more cancers.


But don't you need a bank account for that? And don't bank accounts require fixed addresses? Thor doesn't ask this random person those questions because why would the receptionist happen to know that. He just thanks them and looks up nearby hotels.


There are a normal number and range of hotels in Columbus, Ohio.


He’ll go visit the cheapest one and see if they take cash.


Sure do. Does he want a room where they are pretty sure nobody has smoked in it or one where they definitely have and he can too?


Whichever is cheaper or less popular or a non-smoking room if they’re all otherwise the same.


Smoking is cheaper. "Used to be enough people smoked it was the other way around but not any more!"


Thor makes a noise at this that is trying to be polite and not really succeeding because he fucking hates trancework and doesn't want to keep putting on his social face.

And if nothing else intervenes he'll go hide in the hotel room until it's a vaguely decent hour... and then a little later than that, for jetlag reasons.


He can exist peacefully in his motel room if his definition of "peacefully" does not exclude some folks having very loud sex in the room next to his and somebody else turning on the morning news at top volume at six sharp come morning.


This is just what happened last time he was trapped in a terrible immersive deception like this! Last time, Thor decided to solve that problem with his hammer. Can't snore obnoxiously loudly if your head is brain-spatter and bone fragments.

That kind of problem-solving is "frowned on" in "civilized societies" like Columbus, Ohio, and it's the sort of thing Thor is now too mature to do. (Also, it didn't work last time. Thor just kept hitting illusions very hard and achieving nothing.)

Thor sound-insulates his room instead. It's oddly satisfying to be able to fight illusionists on their own turf these days.


The sounds have absolutely no special ability to penetrate his insulation.


The next day, Thor is still stuck in the mysterious copy of Earth where no one can understand the concept of lying, but slightly more optimistic about whether the creator is actually going to come back and cause more problems.

He goes looking for a bank to see if they can cash his check somehow, or failing that give him an account without an address.


They can give him a bank account and put his check money in it! They do usually like to have an address but if he just agrees that their not having an address means they can't be expected to find him and will have to act as though he is missing should anything come up they can do without.


Well, that's better than how he's gotten the impression they treat homeless people in America. They can have his email address if they're with the times enough to use email. (Do banks use email? Thor doesn't know. Thor went inside a bank once in the real America because it was negative fuck-you degrees outside and the bank was heated. They had hot chocolate.)


They can put his email address in a note on his account but clarify that they are not under legal obligation to use it and might simply not do that if they can make more money that way, which is a thing he's choosing to make possible by not having an address at them.


They may be cursed to be like this but they're so lovable. Thor will go ahead and leave a bunch but not all of his money with them and go back to the Denny's.


The Denny's is right where he left it with different people on duty. "Hello this is Denny's and if you want what we have we have it. What can I do for you?"


"I am very hungry and last time I ate here I accidentally paid in US dollars from a different version of the US on another planet so I want to give you local dollars from this planet."


"Whoa. If you paid cash it's probably already at the bank. I guess we could call the bank and tell them, if there's a way for them to pick out the bills you paid with."


"...Yeah, they’ll have things written on them that this version of the American government wouldn't have said."


"I guess I'll call people till I find out where to send you but this is a really annoying outlay of effort."


"I really only care because I don't want to cheat you. I can call nearby banks just as well as you. Anyway, I do also want to eat here."


"I'll get you a table and you can call banks and ask if they have any wrong money, that's a much more appealing division of labor." Table, menu.


Thor looks up nearby banks and orders a country fried steak dinner with a fruit cup and a strawberry shake.


There are several banks and one of them will when called admit to taking deposits from Denny's and say they will isolate the incorrect bills to have them traded out when he comes by. His food arrives promptly.

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