thor meets the honestverse (no relation to marvel)
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"Yeah." Though maybe this place is very new and these people were just told their life histories last year and no one has died yet. He's not sure how to explain that possibility. "Anyway. It seems like at some point while I'm investigating that I should also find somewhere to stay and maybe do some other work to earn my keep. Got any suggestions?"


"What kinds of work are you good at?"

"I know where the homeless shelter is but you're very cool and can probably do better than that."


"I am very cool! I'm great at fighting monsters and hunting, but I'm also not bad at influencing the weather and healing the sick. I know how to build a printing press from scratch. I am a very experienced goatherd and I dabble in memoir. Oh, and last year I figured out how to charge my phone without an outlet."


"Whoa, you can influence the weather?"

"This is a hospital so there are some convenient sick people."

"I think the printing press is obsolete. Charging your phone without an outlet is awesome but we do have outlets so I don't think anybody needs it right now right here."


"If I go offer to work for the hospital, are they going to object to that because I've never been to an American medical school?"


"- not if you explain, I don't think? I guess the insurance billing system might have a problem and people would have to pay you manually."


"Great. How do I find the right person to explain myself to?"


"I'll come with you if you want, it might take a few tries!"


The paramedics go inside and one sticks with Thor through the hospital, looking for whoever can manually override the insurance system to get him some money for healing people. Eventually they find the right functionary. "What kinds of conditions can you heal?" the functionary wants to know.


"Illness. Sometimes cancer. The kind of thing where there's something to fight and winning the fight will be enough - it's better if whatever it is hasn't already done a lot of damage. I can help a little with muscle wasting but not a lot. I know how to set a bone or bandage a cut, but I'm pretty sure America's surgeons and nurses are better at that than I am. I think I'd make the biggest difference against antibiotic-resistant diseases or inoperable cancers." Fucking fancy medical terminology. Fucking magic. But there are monsters to be fought and there's probably money to be made fighting them.


"All right, let me page the head of oncology."

Presently they can point Thor at some tricksy cancers.


He’ll need a soft, quiet place and someone to stand watch while he does trancework. (He wouldn’t have to if this weren’t a very small fragment of him but whatever. It sucks but it’s the kind of thing that might lure the person who made this place into attacking him and that would be good to get over with.)


"What am I watching for?" asks the oncology department receptionist.


"Anyone trying to disturb me or take advantage of me being distracted."

And, you know, it'd be cool to have a halfway competent spotter who'd catch something less physical than a human walking in and trying to do something to this body, but whatever. There won't be anyone like that here and there's no point in idly wishing there were.


"Okay." The receptionist pulls up a chair and sits vigil, heroically not playing phone puzzles.


Fortunately Thor's weird magic playlist is not in the cloud! You know, normally Thor has no trouble accessing things in clouds. He puts it on at a low volume and then to external appearances just kinda chills for a while.

And afterward he lets the receptionist know that the cancer patients' cancer is going to proceed to shrink instead of grow, and if it grows or stops shrinking just let him know and he can troubleshoot that. He's uncomfortably aware of how easy it would be to say this even if it weren't true, but he's pretty sure it's true.


The receptionist is delighted and would like his contact information so that she can follow through on that.


"Sure - uh - A monster sent me here today and my phone number and email address don't work on your planet. If you have wifi I can use, I'll make an email address for the local internet."


"Sure, the hospital wifi is just OSUHospital, no password."


And presently Thor has an email address, which he tells the receptionist.


"Okay, I'll write that down and try not to lose it!"


Now, how is he supposed to get paid for this?


"Do you have a bank account? I can write you a check but I don't think we have the right amount physically in cash."


"Not with any bank near here. Can I take enough for a hotel room and an IOU?"

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