Sundew finds wishcoins
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Okay, that was a pretty shitty test, all things considered. But. She wants that packet. Even if it's a trap. Even though, if it is a trap, she knows that she can't predict all the ways it could be a trap, because apparently it could be a magic trap and she has no idea what magic can even do.

It's still magic, or something that was put there by magic. And, for whatever reason, the magic decided that she got to peek past the curtain.

She reaches in and takes the packet.


It's about the size of a small bubble mailer and weighs about as much as her phone.

When she takes it out, the glow on the tree fades.



She touches the tree again.


It's solid.


Okay, that matches what she expected. She considers touching the packet to the tree again, but decides against it just in case whatever is triggering the weird magic space takes it to mean "no, I don't want the free magic" and slurps it back up again forever.

Packet goes into her bag and Amelia goes home.


She didn't actually spend long enough investigating the weird tree to make her grocery trip suspiciously long! Her mother thanks her for the butter.


And now she's free to open the packet in the privacy of her room!


The packet unfolds smoothly into a largeish piece of paper. Tucked inside are three flat objects which all fit in her palm. They all have different shapes:

a four-pointed coin with a sunset color scheme.five-pointed coin with a sunset patternsix-pointed coin with a sunset color scheme


She picks up the one that looks like a stretched-out star.


It's smooth and temperature-neutral: neither hot nor cold. It weighs about as much as a double-A battery, maybe a little more. Holding it up to her face, she can't really make out her reflection, but it does catch the light when she holds it at the right angle to a light source. The edges and corners are all rounded. Her fingers don't leave any prints or smudges on its surface.


How interesting.

She investigates the other objects in a similar manner and, when it transpires that they have similar properties, picks up the paper.



The three coins in this packet grant wishes. The most powerful is the coin with six points; it can grant powerful magical abilities such as the ability to create coins. Wishing is simple; you focus on your intent while touching the coin.

I assume that by the time you read this sentence you'll have already done so. If not, that's all right. I'm sure you'll still be able to form the mindset of a proper coiner someday!


Hey, no need to be rude, letter writer. Amelia reads all the relevant introductory material before she starts any project.

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