She steps off the plane, backpack full of her things over her shoulders, and stalks into the halls of LaGuardia, eyes peeled for Libby.
"Welcome to New York," she says, smiling slightly. Her voice is very similar to Chris's.
"I have seen photographic evidence," Bella agrees. "Are we going somewhere, or having our chat at the baggage claim?"
"Unless you are intensely fond of this baggage claim, I was thinking maybe coffee," she says.
"I have been known to drink coffee, and this baggage claim and I are just friends," says Bella.
Perhaps they're redundant.
Coffee, it turns out, is not very far away at all.
Bella orders something sweet and creamy and complicated and hot. "So," she says. "Here I am in person. What do your powers of observation tell you that you needed to know badly enough to buy me a plane ticket?"
"That you're very impatient, but I already knew that."
"Patience is only a virtue when waiting is the best way to get something. There are often many other ways to get things, and even if waiting will work, one may as well spend one's waiting period thinking of other options."
"Reasonable," says Libby. "Right now, though, you want to know things only I can tell you, and the only way I'm going to do that is if I get a good enough sense of you to be sure you won't use it against me. So let's chat. I meant it about your goals in life, by the way. There's a lot of things you'll find a lot easier to accomplish with me as a friend."
Bella is glad she did not go into a lot of philosophical detail about herself with Bridget. Friends, yes - but not to the point where Bridget could guess that Bella more-than-idly wishes to take over the world.
"No burning desire to be President, join an internationally famous rock band, get a medical degree and cure a few cancers, any or all of the above...?"
"The jury's out on politics," Bella reiterates. "I play the flute. I'd've picked up guitar or something if I wanted to be in a rock band. Doctoring's not out of the question, though, I could still break in favor of pre-med."
"Personally, I think there should be more rock bands containing classically trained flute players, but maybe that's just me."
It will be a terrible pity if she cannot find a peaceful solution to the problem of Libby Being Sinister And Sometimes Kidnapping People.
She smiles. "Should I keep you in mind in case I find a rock band looking for a flute?"
Bella shrugs. "I won't take it amiss if you do, but it does not constitute satisfying my fondest ambition or anything like that."
"I very rarely get to satisfy people's fondest ambitions," she says, "but once in a while I get to hook up the metaphorical rock band with their metaphorical flute player."
"What are some nonmetaphorical versions of this pastime?" Bella asks. "It sounds logistically interesting. Being a... networking locus." That description doesn't have the word "sinister" in it at all; Libby should be pleased.
"I find it very fulfilling, actually." She smiles again. "And I hope you'll forgive me if I don't say which one, but I have in fact introduced the members of at least one rock band to each other, and they're doing pretty well these days."