"I know it happened on one of two possible dates, and your friend was the other one. I don't know who was first, where you got the powers in the first place, or who your friend in fact is, although I've got a few guesses about that last one."
"Hey, I didn't know Bridget was a spy until you had her tell me. I'm clearly not the world's best stalker-detector."
"Bridget has the major advantage of not actually being the stalking type," says Libby. "If I wanted to send a professional spy after you, there were candidates available. But since I did hope you'd end up on friendly terms, it seemed like a good idea to send someone who would either make friends or give up."
"I do like Bridget, even though I was mad at her for the spying. She was a good pick," Bella says.
"If you don't even have enough fine detail to tell whether me or the other mint was first, how did you narrow it down enough to find out that I was one of the two?"
"And you didn't make these pushpins have post-it notes with names sprout from them - or you couldn't fit that into the size coin you used."
Bella laughs. "And you don't know who my stalker-or-friend-or-whoever is either, so it doesn't work on them either. So I guess the answer to the question about how your mint finder works is not all that well, if it fails on names for forty percent of mints it can even find."
"Oh, right," she says. "You're not worried about strange mints destroying the world. Not even the sinister ones."
"I'm not completely insensate to the risk, but have not yet decided to appoint myself Chief of the Secret Police."