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"But you have met flying saucers!"

"...I'm going to have to tell them you called them that at some point. I'm not sure how most of 'em'll react but I bet it's not boring."


"I bet they will think I'm really funny. 'Cause I am. And even flying saucers can have senses of humor."


"I don't think the Ophanim are particularly humorless relative to other classes of angel, shape aside."


"Good. Then they will laugh when you tell them they are flying saucers."


"I don't think most of them pay enough attention to Earth to have the cultural context to get why it's funny, alas."


"Oh. Well, you can explain it but then it'll be less funny."


"Also, there are enough of them that it doesn't really practical to track down every one and tell the joke, much less explain it."


"Isn't there like an angel newspaper or something?"


"One, not exactly, we network information pretty well and if someone wants to know something they can find out fairly easily but there's nothing centralized, two, sweetie, I love you, but if there was a newspaper that had every worthwhile witty remark in it it would be larger than the Unabridged Oxford English Dictionary."


"On the other hand, you are the Christ child, so I'm pretty sure it'll end up circulating well enough that anyone who'd get it'll hear it."


"Good." Pause. "Anyway we could go tell fairy nobles you're an angel but then they'd probably want to talk to you and not your random fosterling."


"...Right, but what I was saying was if we go to someone who's had contact with angels before and I tell them my human fosterling wanted to know things and I'm humoring you, they might put up with it. Hmm. Actually, I think Rannsi down in Antarctica has a kid right now..."


"What's that have to do with anything?"


"That a sixty-equivalent-of-fifteen noble fairy is much more likely to be inclined to answer your questions and probably not much less capable of it."


"Oh. Okay."


"Antarctica's going to require teleporting, so make sure you have your notebooks and anything else it would be particularly catastrophic to lose if someone stumbled on the campsite while we're out of range."


Pack pack pack.


Scoop! Teleport!


And so Mehitabel meets a fairy adolescent and peppers her with questions and tells her about spaceships and beholds a phoenix and a tiny dragon and takes lots of photos and many many notes and then goes home with Anaphiel on schedule.

The fairy adolescent is fascinated by the idea of someone younger than her and will happily answer her questions and show her the best places to find tiny dragons and also the hives of the Choruser bees whose buzzing forms a chiming melody and whose honey has magical properties. Like allowing her to talk to Mehitabel despite speaking neither English or Hebrew.

And she relinquishes Mehitabel's attention when it is time and Anaphiel takes her home on schedule.

"She's nice!" Mehitabel opines to Anaphiel when they have to go.


"Yeah?" asked Anaphiel, who had spent most of that part of the visit talking to Rannsi rather than interacting with the young people. "Good for her. What kinda nice?"


"She showed me stuff and was fun to talk to!"

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