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"Like where?"


"Like, if there are too many humans, we can go to other planets. Does Fairyland not have other planets?"


"We have the same other planets as Earth, but how would we get there?"


"You'd have to build spaceships! They're kind of hard, humans don't live on other planets yet, but people are working on it. Or maybe magic can do it, but that seems like you might have already noticed if it could."


"What is a spaceship?"


"It's a thing that flies really fast and holds air in with you so you can breathe while you're going to other planets."


"...Human technology can do more things than I knew."


"I don't know how to make spaceships or I'd explain them but they're cool! You could learn to make them the same way humans did, I bet, doing science and learning how things go and how to build things that do what you want."


"Well, there are human magicians living on Mars already, and they might not take well to fey neighbors. Even if enough nobles could pull the pins from their brains long enough to organize such a thing."


"Maybe you could live on a planet besides Mars. Or a moon maybe."


"That would still require nobles to organize, and that's probably not happening any time soon," he snorts.


"Why not?"


"Because most of them aren't practical like our Lady and would rather play power games than get anything useful done."


"Why would a lot of them need to cooperate, anyway, couldn't one noble and all the other fairies that live in their area cooperate without bothering any other ones about it?"


"Well, maybe, but you can bet all the other ones would want to have a say in something that big, even if it wasn't happening in their territory."


"Then they'd want to cooperate on it, wouldn't they? Or make their own spaceships and that would be fine too."


"They would argue. For years. About how it ought to be done, and maybe they would eventually settle on something, or maybe it would get tabled indefinitely without the original noble getting permission to follow through, or maybe someone key to the project suffers an embarrassing political loss and everyone else quietly distances themselves."


"They need permission from each other to do stuff?"


"Depends on the stuff," he says dryly.


"Why are spaceships a permission stuff?"


"Because nobles' territories are divided geographically, so some of them would argue that a space project should be under the direct oversight of the Queen and that she should appoint new nobles for a Moon territory."


"Oh, there's a queen, I didn't know."


"If there wasn't a Queen to keep the sillier nobles in line they'd be arguing that everything was a permission thing and no one would ever get anything done," he says derisively.


"Maybe the queen should do a spaceship project!"


"Maybe. She has a lot to do, though, so I imagine she'd only be interested once other people had made enough progress that she could be sure it wouldn't be a waste of her time."

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