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"You didn't delay me that much."


"Phooey. Well, it's better than not doing it at all."


"If you actually are there that long I will probably visit you at some point anyway. It's a long time."


"Oh, I'm sure I'll figure a way out eventually. I'd rather be doing art, but this'll do if I have to."



"Art! I have the best medium of course, there's almost no one else who can work with it, but meat can do amazing things."

"...you did not just ask Bonesaw about her art." The speaker is one of the PRT people, but there's general agreement.

"Why not? I'm planning to stand here staring at her for a while; makes it hard to jot down notes on unrelated things or go update my photo blog. I'd been under the impression that it was all for practical purposes, not artistic ones."


"Because if you ask her, she might tell you. See those scalpels? She doesn't ask her canvases for permission."


"If I was ever squeamish it was a long time ago. Besides, if her motivation is art that's a little more hopeful than if it's purest sadism, isn't it? Unless someone's about to tell me that she's that short because of personal preference and she's actually, I don't know, ninety and set in her ways? Are there even any parahumans that old?"


"Parahumans only started appearing thirty years ago. Some of us can be expected to have extended life spans, but in general no."


"So she hasn't been doing this that long. And she's been keeping awful company too. Maybe her next hobby will be drawing, drawing is fun. That said, if and when I can turn her into something I am not planning to offer her the power of flight, although I'm undecided between the other creatures in my limited repertoire."

"Thanks, Promise, but I like my art. And I think I'd rather be free."

The Siberian heaves Bonesaw toward a gate, through where the window was going to be, and catches on to her wrist to follow her along for the ride. Before any part of either of them reaches it, the fairy lights wink out and they pass safely through. Safely, but not directly. They're moving at almost ninety-degree angles at unpredictable times on their way to the door.
The fuck?

Promise shuts the other gates; she can't intercept the path they're taking with replacements.

Victoria, stewing in various sorts of fury, dives for the doorway to impede them.
Alexandria comes after her. Not to fight the Siberian, but to tackle Victoria out of her way.

She's too slow, mostly because she finds herself going at the wrong angle. A striped hand lashes out and smashes into the side of Glory Girl's face.

Amy screams, but the hand bounces off.
And shortly after this feat of invulnerability is accomplished, Alexandria completes her tackling journey and Glory Girl is tackled. "Ow."

Promise flies after the fleeing supervillains.

As they round a corner, she briefly sees Mannequin carrying a small captive in a green and white costume. Jack, holding the Siberian's non-Bonesaw-containing hand, smiles back at Promise and waves. With a knife. Its path crosses her throat.


"STOP," Promise yells at Mannequin anyway, but if he's not going around deaf he's not as smart as she thinks he is. The knife - she doesn't know if that will go through her personal forcefield as projected by Jack's power but this seems like a reasonable time to find out, with Panacea on hand and the villains on the run. She flies forward.


Jack doesn't test it. Instead, he steps around the corner and allows his place to be taken by a wall of glass. Much of it is sharp, and all of it is solid.

Promise could just gate past this but -

She zips back to the room with her five clones. "Any of you evil clones want to help me chase the Slaughterhouse Nine instead of standing there?"
She'll pass Alexandria on the way. Glass isn't an impediment to her.

"Maybe. They've got some of the same goals we do, and you maybe do too. We kill some of them for you and you, what, let us go?"
"I'm not planning to keep you in my tree or anything."

"Where are you planning to keep us?" asks a Victoria.

"I'm not planning to keep you. Long term I will think of orders that will make you not menaces to society even without my supervision and you can go not be menaces to society, but 'help me chase the S9' I can do in one long sentence, do you want to do that or wait?"

The Victorias hesitate, then a different one says, "Well, it's more interesting than standing around..."

"Yeah," says the third Victoria when she realizes she cannot nod.

"Fine," says the first.
"I'll do it. Show her what she could really do."

The quieter clone Amy agrees, the real Amy glares.
"Sorry, Panacea." To clones: "Exclusively within the parameters of your best sincere model of what I would wholeheartedly approve of in all particulars, and treating my unenforced suggestions as commands except when they are strongly tactically contraindicated or past their moment of relevance and you sincerely expect I would agree with your judgment call, you may accompany me, protect me and each other and innocent bystanders, and fight the Slaughterhouse Nine." She flies back the way she went before. "I recommend Amies ride piggyback on Victorias as an anti-Jack measure. Lethal force versus the Nine with no collateral harm to people is authorized."

Two Victorias pick up the Amies and all three of them fly after the fairy. The unencumbered one punches through the glass wall. Whee, chase scene!

By now the Nine have gotten out of the building and a head start. There's no immediate sign of their direction, except for a flying figure covered in glass, much of it colored. Wings trail behind it, and when Promise and her contingent exit the building the wings flare out.


"Can you specialize diseases for people you haven't touched before?"

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