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"You don't think you could fix her?" asks Victoria anxiously, reduced to hovering ominously over Bonesaw's tentacle shield. "If you only touched her ha- uh, would shaking your hand instead even help?"

"It shouldn't be any different. All this is me now."

Bonesaw speaks up from behind a wall of legs imitating enough species that they shouldn't be on the same creature.
"You've done so well so far! How about this. That guy there," she points at Assault, "just made the mistake of breathing in. His powers should be gone...now, and now the brain damage starts. Do you want to fix him? You've got about five minutes."

Amy is shaking, but otherwise doesn't move. "I– I can't. I don't do brains."

"Wait, what? Breathing what?" asks Victoria, on slightly less air than she might normally use to speak those sentences.

"Not you, silly. That wouldn't be fair. Maybe if she doesn't fix him you can go next, she'd have to save you.

Are you going to fix him? I'm doing you a favor, really. You'll thank me."

Amy takes less convincing than she might have earlier. She can leave, quit New Wave, get orders to make sure she can actually stick to breaking her rules just once. As she makes her way to where Assault is lying, Noelle's form shifts and both sisters are half trapped under the palm of a gigantic six-fingered hand.

"FUCKING CONTROL YOURSELF," says Victoria, muffled and struggling energetically. "WEAR A GIANT SHOE."

"If I could control myself I wouldn't need to be HERE!"

On the bright side, Bonesaw is equally squished. The bad news is: more clones. Two of each Dallon, this time.



Whatever Bonesaw did to make the normally sticky flesh slide off her apparently makes it easier to slither out. "Now. Your sister can't fight these ones for you, and you can't touch them. All you can do is change the microbes on your skin to spread a cure for whatever they do, so I hope you're watching carefully!"

One of the Amies agrees. "I hope you're watching carefully. You too, Glory Girl." Then she embraces a Victoria and kisses her.

She ignores Bonesaw's shout of "What? No! You're supposed to start a plague!"
The evil Victoria is surprised, but goes along with it, for values of "goes along with" that involve ass-grabbing. As long as she's making out with an evil Amy anyway.

"...The hell?" says non-evil Victoria. "That's, um, that's really weird but it's 2011, I'm not really getting 'evil', just weird?"
"She's right," agrees one of the continent's most feared serial killers.

The other Amy explains, "Don't you get it? Ask your sister."

(The real Amy, meanwhile, is wishing the ground would swallow her up. Being swallowed up by this giant hand is a close second.)

"Real Amy does this seem evil to you I don't get it."

Real Amy really doesn't want to talk about it, to the point where she'd rather let Fake Amy take this one.

"She's hopelessly in love with you. Has been for a long time. 'Lock yourself in the vault or I'll tell you her secret,' remember that? What did you think Tattletale was talking about?
Or maybe it wasn't that one. I've got more."

Victoria decides that if she complains about how this is still, in fact, drama, not evil, one of the necking clones will do something actually evil, so she falls silent.
"Well, that and she's a murderer at heart. Knows it, too. Ask Promise.
I hope your family never recovers from all this. Your family, not hers. She never considered it family."
It's drama, not a plague over the land - her dad's already dead and Crystal too -

- still hurts though.

"Now I've got some other business to get to, but if you want to hear yourself explain the whole thing..." she looks at the Victoria next to her.

"You know, now that I think about it, it can't all be blamed on sweet Amy," says Evil Victoria Not Currently Liplocked. "We're just not that hot. Or at least you aren't. It's the aura. I don't think she's immune at all."

And then EVNCL flares up her own aura, and it's a bonfire of creeping sinister horror, a flavor the original does not have. Accompanied by a mean little smile with pointy teeth.

Not Evil Victoria shudders under the pinning hand.
The real Amy could kill all four of them from here. Modify some harmless microorganism to be instantly deadly specifically to her and Victoria, kill any that get to her, cure the real Vicky as needed, and watch the copies die. It'd be easy. They're clones, even the person making them said they need to be killed, it'd even be self-defense.
She doesn't do it.

Somewhere else entirely, a uniformed agent of the Australian equivalent to the Parahuman Response Team is throwing rocks and watching them disappear.

Eventually an annoyed fairy steps through the disappearing place.

"What is it now?"

"Brockton Bay General Hospital. Bonesaw's there, evil clones of Panacea and– her sister, and some cape that makes evil clones."

"Evil clones. Yikes. Thank you for letting me know."

Promise disappears from Australia and presently reappears in Brockton Bay and makes a beeline for the hospital.
She'll find Panacea curing a Protectorate hero while crying. Two Victorias are facing off, a Victoria and an Amy are facing each other, and Bonesaw is watching the real Panacea while smiling and shouting encouragement. The cape that creates the clones is...normal from the waist up.

Some heroes Promise doesn't recognize have arrived, but aren't attacking. "That clone says a plague comes down if we attack, Panacea confirmed it's possible."

The Victoria clones are named Victoria. The Amy clones are named Amy, which is interesting. "Clone creator's name?"


"She's been trying to avoid this and isn't in full control, do you still want it?"

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