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"I was in a vault for everyone's safety, until the Slaughterhouse Nine killed everyone who was trying to help me.

If Promise heals me, how soon can she get here and how long would it take her? I'm...not sure how long I can stay in control. Especially around people."

The pile of flesh fills the room more and more conspicuously.

Victoria takes a step back. "Um, maybe - not that fast? I guess we could... call that guy in Australia whose phone we borrowed? Otherwise we have to wait for her to wake up and it could take days..."

"I...don't think I can wait days. There are so many people, and my power, it wants me to - I don't think I can wait days."

Amy tells her sister, "I think I have to. You're ready to help me out if it goes wrong, right?"

"What, punch evil clones of you? That's gonna... be weird... but yeah I got it."


"Not just punch. If there are clones they have to die, or they'll try to destroy you and everything else in every way they can."


"Oh." Victoria swallows. "Um, I think I can punch faster than Amy can - do things? Probably. And I can definitely do it hard enough to kill somebody squishy."

"We know how dangerous an evil me could be. And I'll- I'll be stopping whatever it is that makes the clones happen in the first place."


"Yeah. Do that fast. I don't want to punch people who look like you to death."

Amy reaches out a hand and touches one of the less repulsive coils of flesh.

"What is..." Then a tentacle grabs her wrist. "Vicky!"

Noelle cries out, "Sorry! Oh god, I had it under control–" But the tentacle stays.

"Geez, Amy, I was going to fly you up to shake her hand -" Victoria grabs Amy's arm close to the offending tentacle and tugs.

Glory Girl is stronger than the grip the offending tentacle has on Panacea, and she does break her free. But it becomes more offensive as it flops upward and snares both of them.

And then one of the most unwelcome people in the city appears out of seemingly nowhere. "She got both of you! This is even better than I hoped!"

The monster-girl snarls "You!" and several appendages slide harmlessly off Bonesaw.

Victoria snarls and tries to wrestle her way out of the tentacle's hold.

"It's too late! You can escape, but there's another of you in the works already. Amy! We both know you're not just a healer, and your clone is going to know it too. She'll have powers something close to yours, and you'll have to counter whatever she does. It'll be more than you've used your power in ages. Won't that be fun?"

Amy just stares in horror, while their captor makes a herculean effort and manages to get the tentacle to loosen around them.

Glory Girl all but tackles her sister in getting her away from Noelle. There is not an evil Amy to punch yet, so she goes for Bonesaw instead, incandescent with rage.

Bonesaw is unconcerned. But before her countermeasures become obvious, one of the monstrous mouths heaves and vomits and throws off Glory Girl's flight pattern in an unsavory kind of way. Out of the pool of vomit, two figures stand up. They look like the Dallon sisters, in a way the phrase "hideous mockery" was invented to describe. Both are misshapen, with the Amy having every single bone more curved than it ought to be and the Victoria proportioned like Leviathan. Both of their faces are wrong in a way that can't even be described. They also aren't wearing clothes, which is nowhere near the most important feature of this situation.

The Amy grins and says, "Hello sisters."

Victoria tries to spend a minimum amount of time being concerned about the vomit before going to sock the Amy really hard in the face. At least there will be no concern about mixing them up and having to feel in her heart which is the real sister.


The Amy tries to dodge and ends up taking the hit. But she's not hit so hard she can't sit up again. "Don't you want to hear what we have to say?"


"Not really," says Victoria, and she draws her fist back again only to be interrupted by her own clone. Presently the two are brawling. The linoleum takes some damage.

"I know you want her to hear everything, don't you, Amy? Before I bring down a pandemic on this city and kill you myself, that is."

Bonesaw, meanwhile, addresses the real Amy. "Or she might already have started! I hope you're checking every single microorganism so you can stop her, because no one else can!"

"IF ANYBODY," yells Victoria, and her next word is interrupted by an uppercut. She continues, "CALLED THE PRT," she clotheslines her opponent out of the air only to be the victim of a sacrifice throw, "TELL THEM TO SEND PROMISE -" Ow, that looks painful.

Someone has probably called the PRT, but no one has arrived yet. Amy makes her way over to the brawling Victorias and taps the cloned one when she sees an opening. The Victoria collapses, asleep.

Bonesaw cheers from the stands. "See? Your power as a weapon! I believed in you!"

With that out of the way, Victoria can go put her fist through Clone Amy's head.

And Clone Amy isn't in a position to stop it.

Someone did apparently call the Protectorate. A hero runs in, rebounding off the walls on his way.

"What's the emergen– what is that thi– Bonesaw!" Assault is not having a good day.

"Bonesaw and evil clone spawning thing!" Glory Girl reports helpfully, making another fly in Bonesaw's direction.

Her target ducks behind some of the limbs, pulling them around her so Glory Girl can't safely reach her. "It's the clones that are evil. The clone spawning thing is not at fault here." Bonesaw might not share other people's opinions on morality, but grammatical ambiguity is serious.

Amy agrees with Victoria's yell, "we're going to need Promise, if there are any more clones." Assault taps a device on his ear and relays that.
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