An Emily and Elves in Middle-Earth
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"But you could get whichever mixture you'd want."


"Sure. It's still more detail work than pure crystal."


"Fair enough. I want to see it anyway."


"Um, okay. I'll need more than ashes, though. We could go outside, I can probably find everything I need in the dirt."


"I meant see the architecture of your city, you needn't personally do magic for my amusement."


"Oh. Okay. I imagined you wanted to see me do it to learn how, but this makes sense too."

By far the most elf-approved architecture in Genosha is the University; Atennesi Cohen created it when he first enchanted the land that would become the Free City of Genosha. The rest is an eclectic mix of styles from across the world as people moved in and wanted things familiar to them.


"I would like to master it, but I doubt I'd learn so much from watching to be worth the demand on your time, which I hear monarchs tend to end up hoarding rather dearly."


"I think I'll probably have more of it earlier on while there aren't so many people yet, and obviously I'm going to have to take some time to myself to avoid burning out and being of no use to anyone, and writing up lessons on more advanced and frivolous uses of magic than are likely to be necessary yet seems like a decent thing to do with me time, but yeah, it's probably not very efficient to spend a lot of time on it right now."


"Don't hesitate to let us know if you feel like you're burning out and there's anything helpful we can do."


"I don't think that's likely to happen. But the way that it's unlikely to happen may involve my periodically mailing--or some reasonable substitute therefor, an actual mail system probably isn't feasible at the moment--you lessons on how to do some interesting yet logistically use-impaired bit of magic, if you like."


"I'd be delighted. Thank you."


"Did you have a proper mail delivery system in Valinor? You clearly have, like, letters, like the one you gave Odette for your cousins, but I have no idea if that necessarily correlates to a formal system..."


"We had a system in Valinor. Here security complicates it."


"Yeah, no kidding. I could imagine intra-city systems, though, supplemented by some kind of--mm, one storage area for each other city, maybe, and if someone wants to send something to someone in another city it could sort of just sit there until someone happened to be going there anyway..."


"It could definitely be done. Can magic simplify it any?"


"Probably...the solution isn't immediately leaping to mind, but that just means I'd have to think about it a bit."


"We might also eventually put a palantir in your city, once we're satisfied it'd be safe there."


"...The one from Dorthonion?"




"Seems sort of poetically appropriate, I suppose, considering who the first residents are..."


"It'd be the first one in a non-Elven kingdom, too."


"Doesn't surprise me."


"Defending them is really difficult and really important."


"Hence you and Maedhros running into somewhere Sauron was attacking," she nods.


"Yes. Not usually worth the risk, that."

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