An Emily and Elves in Middle-Earth
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"Then I suppose you can tell her next time you see her - which is pretty soon, yes? that Morgoth's servants are all as smart as any of us."


"What, all of them? ...I guess I shouldn't be surprised, what with the spiders..."


"What would he get out of having them be animals?"


"...Not having to work as hard to create something sentient? If it wasn't a Maia?"


"Yes, but they wouldn't be much of a threat in a fight, they'd be easily - my cousin Celegorm could just talk them into fighting for us instead -"


Illia imagines what her sister would be likely to think of that and bites back a giggle. "What a thought. Pity it doesn't work in real life."


"It really is," he agrees. 


"It's sort of funny how he's apparently so bad at diplomacy with people but so good at diplomacy with animals. Or maybe not, animals don't politic at you. And he gets along fine with my sister, who finds him an extremely convenient outlet for all her negative opinions on the subject..."


"He's not - dreadful at diplomacy. They're in a very bad negotiating position and Maedhros still manages to come out ahead and no one else can pull that. But yes, he finds animals more likable than people."


"I wonder if Glaurung had a name that he used for himself."


"I do not think it would have been wise to ask him. Dragons are presumably magic and would have some of the abilities of the Maiar."


"I don't think it would have been wise either. I don't think I'm ever going to know the answer. I still sort of wonder."


"Maybe after your sister stops Morgoth we can ask some of his minor servants who at that point will be amenable to cooperation."


"It's not actually a priority but maybe."


"Oh, there's lots I'd like to have Illia ask some lieutenant of the Enemy after the war, and it encompasses some real priorities too."


"If it's safe to leave any of them alive I expect that ought to be doable."


"Oaths are handy that way. If we win, we can spare anyone we please."


"Oaths are creepy but for anyone it's safe to let live long enough to give one I suppose one would do."


"They can be very dangerously misused, but they have their advantages."


"Lots of things do. I wouldn't try to deprive anyone who wanted them of the ability but I certainly wouldn't include it if I were designing a species."


"Eru seemed to have something other than our happiness in mind when he designed us, honestly."


"He put the Doom Squad in charge, so I sort of have to question his judgement."


"The Valar are divided in most of their verdicts, and were probably divided in that one."


"Okay, fair enough. I shall certainly reserve judgement on any of them who didn't think it was a good idea."


"Good of you. I know Ulmo did not favor it."

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