An Emily and Elves in Middle-Earth
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The Valar may have played some role in it - wanting for nothing removes many of the sources of war - but as far as I know the Eldar in the Outer Lands didn't war either.


Didn't they have orcs to worry about?


Yes, but that wasn't an organized or systemic thing. There were orc tribes that didn't even regard themselves as under the control of the Enemy, he'd been vanquished long before...


My point wasn't that that was a war, my point was that worrying about external danger is a good way to keep humans from fighting, too, most of the time.


Ah. In that case, yes, the Eldar have been constantly either in external danger or in paradise. Perhaps the end of the war will bring out our worse natures. Eru, I hope not.


At least you have practice thinking of war as a reprehensible thing. And there's no other Great Mages to say that my sister can't interfere with international politics to stop you if it gets that far, either.


And Maedhros is also probably a reasonably good candidate for terrifying power.


I have less firsthand information on that than my sister, let alone you, but I'm inclined to agree anyway.


He'll have too much fun with it but I'm inclined to say he's earned that. 


What, you think Odette doesn't have fun with it? You think I don't, even, me with my reasonable pain resistance? I should dance for you people sometime.


Dance for us? And I think everyone has fun with it, power is fun. Maedhros has unusual amounts of fun with power but to my knowledge has always used it for good.


Is performative dancing not a thing here? I dance. I'm really good at it. The muscles magic thing helps immensely, once you train yourself out of letting it make you clumsier.


It was very much a thing in Valinor, usually to music. Here only on special occasions. I'd love to have a dance.


I'm sure I don't know any of the same dances you do, and it could hardly be called a priority right now, but I'm sure we'll get around to it at some point.


Dance here can be magic like song.


Ooh, really? Tell me more.


You have to be very talented and very careful and you can get effects, usually minor ones - also as with song, there - and if you're very good they need not be minor at all. Lúthien of Doriath famously does a lot with dance.


I want to learn this so badly but I have to acknowledge that it's lower priority than anything I can pick up about statecraft right now...


Well, if you have some time or feel you're saturated with statecraft.


...I think I have some time.


He starts singing. Everything I know is Valinor festival dances, it's not very dramatic.


She listens and watches raptly anyway. If I can figure out any of the principles I can work on it in Beth Miqlat.


Composition takes decades, I doubt dance goes any faster. But yes.


I have decades. And other magic I can use in the meantime.


You do. Well, good luck. I can refer people with a real talent for it over to you.

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