Stavian III
Yes, What Was That
Template Golarion Characters
Facecast Peter Capaldi.
Setting Golarion

Grand Prince of Taldor. CN, quite a high-level rogue, as most Taldane emperors are, with a few wizard levels.

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"The whole purple ink business is indicative (is that the word I want?) of what’s wrong with this administration. You start off with a basically harmless, quite fun idea; purple ink is reserved for the exclusive use of the Emperor and his officials. That way, you can tell at a glance if the warrant or summons or conveyance you’ve just been handed is genuine. Fine. What happens? First, one of my megalomaniac-psychotic predecessors takes it a bit too seriously, and misuse of purple ink is suddenly a capital offence. Second, the clerks at Supply figure out that they can exercise a remarkable level of control over the administration, particularly officials they don’t like or approve of, simply by limiting their ink supply. Do something that gets up their collective nose; next time you need a refill, you’re told that the last batch they had in from the contractors wasn’t up to snuff quality-wise (not purple enough, presumably); or else the ship it was on sank, or a new and unknown disease has wiped out all the oyster-beds in Fragia. Result; no ink, no documents, nothing can be done. Marvellous. It means I’m having to stockpile the stuff while I can, in case they stop liking me. Meanwhile, I’m on the track of a forger (he’s in jail somewhere out East) who was convicted of making a copy so close to the real thing, it’s indistinguishable. Soon as I find him, I’m having him brought here and set to work. Seriously. It’s the way you have to do things here."
- K.J. Parker, The Purple and the Black.