Neva's Characters | ||||||
Template: a Alene | ||||||
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Alene Gíaraz | ||||||
Template: Aie&Jzenea - Aie | ||||||
Thrill-seeker, masochist, constitutionally incapable of acting like a regular person. Deep goodness thing but it may come out weird. Attractors for being born into privilege and/or a magical thing, but not always. Apparently attractor for the name/nickname oddness. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Aie | River Sparks | |||||
Anais | Manere | |||||
Anica | Permission | |||||
Antonia Stark | and-what | MCU | ||||
Attica | at-all | Buffy the Vampire Slayer | ||||
Wei Wuxian | Wei Ying, Wei Wuxiayen | justice-and-no-regrets | The Untamed | |||
Template: Aie&Jzenea - Jzenea | ||||||
Generally fighter, wants to be a guarder of some sort. ...Attractor for opposite of privileged background. Much more socially affected, in both good and bad ways, though she'll generally eventually catch on with respect to the bad ones. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Eugenia Rogers | of-liberty | MCU | ||||
Genna | Manere | |||||
Jzenea | River Sparks | |||||
Lan Wangji | Lan Zhan, Lan Zhanea | do-not-befriend-evil | The Untamed | |||
Yevgeniya Kuznetsova | born-chosen | Buffy the Vampire Slayer | ||||
Template: Earans-Hería | ||||||
Shen's wife. Kind, principled, religious if possible. Attractor for being abandoned as a very young child and never knowing by who. Has a usually-dead husband. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Heria Alzlei | Reyna | |||||
Hilda of the Southern Isles | Descendants | |||||
Hilya | allthatisgold | Amenta | ||||
Template: Earans-Laeres | ||||||
Heria's husband. Religious if possible, not very good at self esteem, generally abusive upbringing, usually dead. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Laeres Avengtzer | if-not-otherwise | Reyna | ||||
Lerso (tentative) | ||||||
Lius Frollo | common-crowd | Descendants | ||||
Template: Earans-Shen | ||||||
Very altruist, enforced if possible. Not very good at self care. Probably getting tortured. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Irén | Amenta | |||||
Shen | enelii | darkshen | Reyna | |||
Shiarl | Permission | |||||
Template: Earans-Zasi | ||||||
Heria and Laeres's daughter and eldest. Dancer and possibly secret agent. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Ezasai Alzlei (Zasi) | Reyna | |||||
Template: Elvira | ||||||
Enslaved or similar from infancy or before. Not a super nice person. Very competent one. Likes fieldwork. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Eluminé | Buffy the Vampire Slayer | |||||
Elvira | 25 | Permission | ||||
Template: Favor | ||||||
Sex slave to gods or something of the sort. Comes in flavors 'intense altruism' and 'lonely slave desires'. Different cluster is a d/s au sub in bad circumstances. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
[...] | lostandfound | |||||
Alesa | overruled | |||||
Alesa, son of Galetha and Ethien | imposted | conflagration | ||||
Alessa | dssa | Manere | ||||
Alya | omega-C | |||||
Template: F - Kente | ||||||
Cousin or something similar to Alessa. Dancer, proudly submissive, Alessa's self-preservation instinct if he can manage it. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Kané | omega-C | |||||
Kente | Manere | |||||
Template: L | ||||||
General version: Wants to be magic if the setting has an independent magic available. Does not have an engaged family (original was in a group home but distant family might work). Brilliant. Likes research, being in charge of things, having power, and torturing people. Can be imprisoned and used to do science by a government she sufficiently admires (otherwise probably won’t cooperate). She says she can have a non-evil version, which I would also like to try out.
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
5th Commander | mind-control | Mind Control Utopia | ||||
L | the Seketre, etre | Reyna | ||||
Lesha | Permission | |||||
Template: Legian | ||||||
Anti-hero vigilante type. Sometimes on the side of good. Not a nice person. (Author does not generally endorse her actions and all that.) |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Greta | Descendants | |||||
Legian | Reyna | |||||
Margo Riley | comeandgetit | Earth, Erogame | ||||
Template: Legian's | ||||||
Attaches to Legian. Magic user where possible. Non-magic options include hacker. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Beia (Zalveia) | her-as-you-would-me | Reyna | ||||
Lisabet | henchdescendant | Descendants | ||||
Template: Mine | ||||||
Possessive, abusive, quite good on villainous virtues, very bad partner. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
His Highness Prince Kalei | kingdomlockedup | conflagration | ||||
Kabela Aen | knowwhatiwant | |||||
Kiare | ||||||
Template: Sheridan | ||||||
Template is cousin to Shen; cross between Shen and an f!bbc-Sherlock. Very bright, also neurotype-imposed (if possible) strong altruist but less sentimental. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Sheridan | manners-of-articulation | Gamma | ||||
Sheridan Holmes | thread-of-murder | |||||
Template: Travelers-Jewel | ||||||
Cheerful, bright but very scattered. In some manner adopted by Xeyr (the general meaning of that word not the familial). |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Io | omega-C | |||||
Jaeen | jewelsfromthesky | Amenta | ||||
Jany | 24 | Permission | ||||
Jewel | Void | |||||
Template: Travelers-M | ||||||
Physical fighting. Encounters Xeyr when she’s doing something involving helping people and putting herself in danger, gets attached. More or less borrows morality off Xeyr. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Merren | omega-C | |||||
Mia | Void | |||||
Ranma | M | Amenta | ||||
Template: Travelers-Xeyr | ||||||
Bad backstory, some bad possibility looming over. Composed, self-sacrificing. Doesn’t like attention or status. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Ehxeyr | omega-C | |||||
Xan | 08 | Permission | ||||
Xeyr | Void | |||||
Zai | Jewel's girlfriend | Amenta | ||||
Template: Very | ||||||
Much subby. Very devoted. The world out on her own is kind of hard, but whose-ever she is would be proud of her, right? |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Iryarai (Iryi) | Reyna | |||||
Iryi | bejeweled | |||||
Iryi (Eight) | Mind Control Utopia | |||||
Template: Wei Wuxian | ||||||
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Wei Wuxian | ever-fixed-by-whipping | Manere | ||||
Wei Wuxian | what-I-owe | Xiao Zhan | The Untamed, d/s au | |||
Yiling Laozu | The Yiling Patriarch, Wei Wuxian | who-can-stop-me | Xiao Zhan | The Untamed | ||
Template: z Not characters | ||||||
Jumping on the 'use template as category since the latter are not currently existing capabilities' wagon. |
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Choose Your Own | so-many-options | Villarosa-Creation, Villarosa, cyoa | ||||
Minor Characters | ||||||
Nevians (v1) | in-the-light-and-shadow-of-dreams | medianverse | ||||
River Sparks | River Sparks | |||||
The Untamed | The Untamed | |||||
Warp | Reyna | |||||
Worlds | ||||||
Template: z NPC | ||||||
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Jiang Cheng | The Untamed | |||||
Natasha Romanoff | Black Widow | black-widow | Scarlett Johansson | MCU | ||
Rhodey | James Rhodes, War Machine, Iron Patriot | warmachineerox | Don Cheadle | MCU | ||
Sam Wilson | The Falcon | falcon-america | Anthony Mackie | MCU | ||
Su She | Su Minshan | pay-attention-to-me | Feng Cong | Manere | ||
Wanda Maximoff | Scarlet Witch | scarlet-witch | Elizabeth Olsen | MCU | ||
Wen Qing | Manere | |||||
Wen Ruohan | nightless-sun | |||||
No Template | ||||||
Name | Cluster | Nickname | Screenname | Facecast | Setting | |
Her Majesty Empress Soloney | shouldbesomean | conflagration | ||||
Jiang Wanyin | Manere | |||||
PokeDaemons | Daémon | |||||
Taxian-jun | suffering-hate | 2ha |