TransrealClouden's NPCs
All Characters
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Ahmed the day of miracles
Alistair The Early Bird
Amani the day of miracles
Amy the day of miracles
Aster Chasing the Sun
Aurelia Augustus Reintroductions Gates of Eternity
Carl the day of miracles
Charlie the day of miracles
Clinton Augustus Reintroductions Gates of Eternity
Doug the day of miracles
Dr. Gupta the day of miracles
Elizabeth the day of miracles
Endless Adventure Endless Adventure
Greta the day of miracles
Iris the day of miracles
Jacob the day of miracles
Jacob The Villain of this Piece Gates of Eternity
Jeffrey Chasing the Sun
Katelin the day of miracles
Katelin the day of miracles
Kiku the day of miracles
Laura Brown New Opportunities Gates of Eternity
Liu the day of miracles
Maria the day of miracles
Marie this is how our dreams are made
Micheal Same Spaces New Faces Gates of Eternity
Nathaniel Waters New Opportunities Gates of Eternity
Otherwhere Inc. Someone Else's Reality Gates of Eternity
Outer Wilds Outer Wilds
Philipe the day of miracles
Professor Cartwright It Started as a Term Project. Gates of Eternity
Rachel Hadley To Whom it May Concern Gates of Eternity
Sally Someone Else's Reality Gates of Eternity
Samuel the day of miracles
Stacy the day of miracles
Stargate once_more_through_the_gate Stargate Atlantis
Starlight Starlight
Talos Talos Principle
Tentacle Realm
The Braid of Friendship many-names
The Fountain Fountain
Vivian Into The Arena Gates of Eternity
Zachary the day of miracles