Iarwain's Characters
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Name Template Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
??? who-is-this
Abadar Abadar Golarion
Abrogail Abrogails because-of-being-broken Golarion
Abrogail Abrogails not-queen Golarion
Abrogail Abrogails to-rein-in-Cheliax Golarion
Abrogail Thrune II Abrogails to-reign-in-Cheliax
Airplane wheeeeee dath ilan
Akkakarasot the-devil's-work Golarion
Albe your-heart's-desire Golarion
Almys evil-sounds-like-me Isekai
AlterPeranza Peranza this-is-fine
Antonio Agramunt Golarion
Asmodia Asmodia aspire-to-ambition
Asmodia Asmodia lost-soul Golarion
Asmodia Asmodia someone-somewhere Golarion
Aspexia Rugatonn easy-to-steer Golarion
Cayden Cailean and-be-merry Golarion
Chad Roosterman live-by-the-sword
Cheliax Cheliax Golarion
Chief of Exception Handling Chief of Exception Handling doom-doom-doom dath ilan
Class Chatter #math-investor-chaos Golarion
Courtiers Polymorphic Oldoria
Curse of Laughter snack-service Golarion
Curse of Laughter Pilar snack-service Golarion
dath ilan
dath ilani Kelthams convergent-answer Jordan Connor Golarion
dath ilani Polymorphic dath ilan
dath ilani 10-year-old Midjourney dath ilan
dath Keltham?? Kelthams INT 22 / WIS 16 / CHA 18
Derrin Derrin keep-the-way Alan Dale dath ilan
Derrina Derrin walk-the-way Tilda Swinton Golarion
Disguised Alien Polymorphic totally-a-human
Dispater the-highest-bidder Golarion
Doctor Disaster madness-place Girl Genius
Eclipse Earth's-shadow Eclipse
Eldrida Polymorphic
Erecura in-adversity Golarion
Erler you're-probably-insane dath ilan
Europa Girl Genius
Exception Handling dath ilan
Ferrer Maillol the-inner-party Richard Burton Golarion
Glosialabolas unbounded-cost Golarion
Gorthoklek hell's-young-master Golarion
Greater Reality according-to-keltham
Halfling slave #958245 "Broom" stuck-cleaning-it-up Golarion
Haroun Pevers curious boy Isekai
Helorm grandmother-faction Dina Eastwood dath ilan
Herder-of-Cats Chief of Exception Handling we-had-one-job dath ilan
High Countess Marina Waterfront swim-or-sink Miranda Dixon-Luinenburg Eldrida
Iilasir eliezera slightly-autistic
Ione Sala Ione Hermione Granger know-it-all Golarion
Ione Sala Ione "The Erogamer" Golarion, Erogame
Irori become-stronger Golarion
Isekai a different world Isekai
Jacint Subirachs slavery-and-pride
Keeper not-a-real-telepath dath ilan
Kelsam Kelthams show-them-all Jordan Connor (older) Europa
Keltham Kelthams lawful chaotic Jordan Connor dath ilan
>Keltham Kelthams shaped-like-himself Golarion
Keltham+ Kelthams fully-augmented
Keltham v3 Kelthams back online? Golarion
Keltham v4 Kelthams artifact-headband Golarion
Many Worlds Polymorphic
Milani at-what-cost Golarion
Minion Polymorphic Europa
Minor Character Polymorphic
Minor Character 2 Polymorphic
Minor Character 3 Polymorphic
Mister Bloomlord primary-secondary Mister Bloomlord Europa
Mornelithe Falconsbane eliezera ero-catboy-archmage Chris Hemsworth velgarth
Nait he-who-soars Eldrida
Nanhsa try-harder
Nethys Golarion
Nyara says-nyar velgarth
Oldoria Polymorphic Oldoria
Oliver Greenfield possible-to-farm Matt King Stardew Valley
Otolmens they-never-listen SCP Foundation logo Golarion
Peranza Peranza not-looking-there Golarion
Peranza of Civilization Peranza first-of-? Golarion
Phistophilus inequivalent-exchange Golarion
Pilar Pilar curse-of-laughter Golarion
Pilara Pine Pilar been-there-been-done Oldoria
Pilar Pineda Pilar confident-faith
Places Polymorphic
Project Lawful Seduce, Conceal, Profit Golarion
Ri-Dul aspiring-lich Golarion
Rogail Abrogails this-is-therapy dath ilan
Sajvara harsh-teacher Golarion
Security Cheliax
Sergeant Twoodle weary-town-guard Girl Genius
The Bleak Emperor Oldoria
The Facility Polymorphic the-sign-says
Thellim out-of-equilibrium Aimee Garcia dath ilan
various gods Polymorphic
Vicent of Tuca Golarion
Yibby just-got-here
Zon-Kuthon foul-is-fair Golarion