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Template: Ves
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Imrainai's niece. Ambitious, angry, and sharp as a tack. Usually something very inconvenient. Aims to surpass her birthright and outshine everyone else in whatever world she's in.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Marie Angel antichrist ves the Adversary, Destroyer of Kings, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Great Beast that is called Dragon, Princess of This World, Mother of Lies, Spawn of Satan and Lady of Darkness Maisie Williams Good Omens
Peth kidney-thief Skai Jackson Sperai
Raven Tiu apocalypse maiden Chou Tzuyu DC comics, Young Justice
Suzanna Teller anime-protagonist Chou Tzuyu Bliss Stage
Suzanna Teller blaze-like-meteors
Suzanna Teller if-you-miss Revelation
Suzanna Teller not-go-gentle Chao Tzuyu Sunnyverse
Suzanna Teller
Suzanna Teller Moonlight Falls
Suzanna Tiu Ha Lin
Ves Tellari kickflipping-astronaut Breanna Yde Alteriverse
Vigdis Yngling and-the-beast Maisie Williams Crusader Kings
Zada be-Azhe de-Fe Ves Chou Tzu-yu Amenta
Zaida she-is-fierce Gilead
Zara Verita Tallandria heaven-blooded Maisie Williams Golarion