Template: Φ Cobalt
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Very very very vile and evil and don't you dare try to tell him otherwise.

Posts with Template Instances
Thread Continuity Authors Replies Last Updated
Hiatused Has Warnings you know that's just how ostriches make their nests, it's not an object lesson in anything [1 2 3 ... 6 7 8] Anhydrobiosis cobalt peal: my existence is a momentary lapse in reason 197 by Rotifer
Hiatused Has Warnings Clover Evans-Potter and the Chamber of Secrets [1 2 3 ... 18 19 20] Anhydrobiosis cobalt peal: a plethora of maniacs and spiral stairs 482 by Rotifer
Hiatused Has Warnings everyone is waiting, waiting on you Anhydrobiosis cobalt peal: hey, no ins and outs! 15 by Rotifer
Hiatused Has Warnings want to lose a hand? give the beast a pat! Gloaming 23 by Decima
Complete Has Warnings "coarse, rough, irritating, gets everywhere" also describes him actually [1 2 3 4 5 6] Anhydrobiosis cobalt peal: my existence is a momentary lapse in reason 129 by Rotifer
Complete Has Warnings geas Anhydrobiosis cobalt peal: my existence is a momentary lapse in reason 10 by Rotifer
Complete Has Warnings if we don't kill each other then the side effects will [1 2 3 ... 9 10 11] Hope Itself bad influence 265 by ChaosMagic