Template: Character
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Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Abrogail Thrune Abrogail Thrune To-Reign-in-Cheliax
Adventurer Adventurer
Adventurers Adventurers Neither-Smart-nor-Dumb, Secret-Third-Thing
Alexeara Cansellarion Alexeara Cansellarion Whoever-Comes-Next
Archer Archer Sniping's-a-good-job-mate
Aspexia Rugatonn Aspexia Rugatonn God-Told-Me-To
Astrua Astrua Helpful-Wanderer
Auroch Auroch Literally-Cows
Barbarian Barbarian Youngest-Son
Barzillai Thrune Barzillai Thrune Fastest-Army-Diplomacy
Boat Boat Assemble-As-Instructions
Consia Servina Consia Servina Randomly-Sampled
Dergaix Dergaix All-Alone
Druvalia Thrune Druvalia Thrune Command-and-Conquer
Estrella Estrella At-Your-Eternal-Service
Felandriel Morgethai Felandriel Morgethai
Galley Captain Galley Captain I-Also-Have-a-Permit
Gillman Ranger Gillman Ranger Naval-Crusade
Gubbirk, Goblin Chief Gubbirk, Goblin Chief Beware-an-Old-Goblin
Hooded Figure Hooded Figure Plausibly-Deniable
Karumzek Karumzek Know-Much-Speak-Little
Lebnik, Goblin Alchemist Lebnik, Goblin Alchemist Risk-or-Reward
Nub Nub Klepto-Cryptid
Pit Fiend Pit Fiend Optimised-for-Tyranny
Reginald Cormoth Reginald Cormoth Naval-Crusade
Robaldo Robaldo Play-a-Game
Robaldo Robaldo Start-an-Adventure
Seahawk Seahawk Emotional-Support-Familiar
Small Water Elemental Small Water Elemental I-Can't-Believe-I'm-CR-1
Soltaxin | Eremite Kyton Soltaxin | Eremite Kyton Pain-Motivated
Spider (Huge) Spider (Huge) You-Weren't-There
Steel Falcon Privateer Steel Falcon Privateer I-Have-a-Permit
Steel Falcon Privateer Steel Falcon Privateer My-Permit-is-Better-than-Yours
Stephanie Dola Stephanie Dola Disboard-Native
Stristyko Stristyko Live-Forever-Die-Trying
Taxxios the Sarglagon Taxxios the Sarglagon Orange-You-Glad-I'm-Not-Another-Spider
Terthule Thrune Terthule Thrune Cuter-Army-Diplomacy
The Party The Party
Thief Thief Because-Robbery-is-for-Brutes
Trekzilk, Goblin Priest Trekzilk, Goblin Priest Rules-for-Thee
Vinstis Drasaen Vinstis Drasaen
Wizard Wizard Fight-Me
Wyrmling Wyrmling

Posts with Template Instances
Thread Continuity Authors Replies Last Updated
Hiatused Red in Tooth and Claw [1 2 3 ... 13 14 15] Sandboxes 375 by Eva_
Complete Has Warnings First Move 2: Move Firster [1 2 3 ... 33 34 35] Advantage of the first move 874 by Eva_
Complete First move advantage [1 2 3 ... 10 11 12] Advantage of the first move 284 by Eva_