Template: alphabet soup
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Not not a Mary Sue SI/OC. _ is to me as the notebook is to the Spirit of Femininity Unleashed, kind of. Letters disappear as they peal. {A, B, H, Z}

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
C instantiated lost-in-conversion Deep Sea Embers
D uncertified surgery heal-thyself
G gentle soul and-so-it-goes
J no final judgment the-rest-is-lies
J instantiated final justice tolls-for-thee JJK
K lore never wrong never useful know-it-all
L duty sword while-I'm-here
M silent multitudes the-music-the-moment
N duty small squishy stubborn homesick last-note-rings
P duty/lore backwards compatibility patchwork-programming
R duty shield river-oh-river
S duty spaceship spacesuit shelter safe-and-sound
Shin secret-chord
T lore/duty search find thread index follow-any-thread
W lore Lawful librarian welcome-to-the-internet
X lore cheerful fyi explore-exposit-excavate