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Template: Val
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There is something wrong with the world. Valentine will do anything to fix it.
Valentine loved and feared and respected his father and believed in his values, until those values killed his father - or they loved and feared and respected a parent-figure until that parent-figure betrayed them and turned them against said parent-figure (and sometimes the parent-figure's people). They are usually born poor to a family with a grand history, and marry into a rich, more prestigious family. They usually engage in experiments to improve their children using magic and/or genetic engineering.

Loves their children; loves their partners.
Will kill those they love themself if it will fix what's wrong with the world.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Archaess Valoros precious-vein Sui He Avernus
Dr. Mora Val necessary-evil Star Trek: X
Dr. Valentina Morgenstern dr-mendel Gillian Anderson Star Trek
Dr. Valentine Morgenstern ideal-circumstances Bill Skarsgård Dead Effect
Jadis Valeria Jadis Sui He Alethia
Lucifer morning-star Bill Skarsgård Coelesti
Melkor Lucifer first-and-mightiest Sui He LOTR
Professor Valentine Mogenstern the-evolved-form Alexander Skarsgård Pokémon SV
Thalos in-my-grasp Alexander Skarsgård MCU
The Mother giver-of-life Gillian Anderson Whoniverse, X-Space
Trahaearn Llewellyn divine-sacrilege Bill Skarsgård Beltane
Trahaearn Llewellyn position-of-strength Alexander Skarsgård Beltane
[Val] no-god Marvel Cinematic Universe
Valbatorix leave-none-alive Sui He Alagaësia
Valens sands-of-power Alexander Skarsgard Agrabah
Valentina Fairchild giver-of-gifts Gillian Anderson Themis, Themis-Omicron, Themis-Pi
Valentina Fairchild mother-of-monsters Gillian Anderson Eclipse
Valentine grand-strategem Bill Skarsgard Legacy
Valentine Morgenstern a-million-dreams Bill Skarsgard Themis
Valentine Morgenstern bring-to-life Alexander Skarsgård Seven, Silvertongue
Valentine Morgenstern from-the-angels Alexander Skarsgård Twilight, Evenfall
Valentine Morgenstern Valentine greater-man Alexander Skarsgård Erudito, Assassin's Creed
Valentine Morgenstern Valentine higher-purpose Alexander Skarsgård Themis
Valentine Morgenstern light-of-history Bill Skarsgard Afterlight
Valentine Morgenstern Valentine remorseful-day Alexander Skarsgård Servitor
Valentine Morgenstern right-of-way Alexander Skarsgård Alicante
Valentine Morgenstern salvation-comes Alexander Skarsgård Mass Effect, Catalyst
Valentine Morgenstern the-beholder Bill Skarsgård Titan Industries
Valentine Morgenstern will-always-find Bill Skarsgård Harry Potter
Valentine Morgenstern your-own-hands Alexander Skarsgard Gate of Truth
Valentinus Imperator Augustus a-Deo-coronatus Alexander Skarsgard Last
Valentyn Morgenstern north-star Alexander Skarsgård X-Men
Valerion Targaryen begin-with-blood Bill Skarsgard Westeros, Dusteros
Val-Jor-El steel-your-heart Gillian Anderson DCU SV
Valloran-Semitur-Corrass ruthless-and-determined Animorphs

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