Setting: Z-Space
Characters Tagged: Z-Space
Name Template Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast User
Alan Knight Dino/Alin say-forever Elliot Knight Sage/Nemesis
Alex Smith ι Warden i-will-wait Sean Teale Anya
Amy Titus α Titus Song | Ultraviolet Amarillo ultraviolet-catastrophe Garrett Hedlund Anya
Azar Lorin ζ Enzo/Astrid unearthly-child River Phoenix & Lysette Anthony Anya
Koschei Jalex a-terribly-sweet-thing Sarah Gadon, Xavier Samuel, Boran Kuzum Sage/Nemesis
Lexi Quill Alex of-a-nightingale Antonia Gentry Sage/Nemesis
Lily Amelia Pond β Lily Lily girl-who-waited Tashi Rodriguez Anya
River Song Dru Druig of the House of Oakdown the-stars-themselves Marama Corlett, Hilarie Burton, Alex Kingston, Ritu Arya, Barry Keoghan, Nina Toussaint-White, Maisie Richardson-Sellers Sage/Nemesis
Rose Starr Ω Lya by-any-other-name Aisling Franciosi Sage/Nemesis
The Doctor ε Theta theta-sigma Ben Barnes Anya