Setting: Call of Cthulhu
Characters Tagged: Call of Cthulhu
Name Template Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast User
Carrie Meadows Kel
Cristobal de la Luz Chris power-and-control westwind
Inaaya Sinope 1. Inaaya strange-and-intricate-dreams sphinx
Lacie Ferrier Lacie Tol Ailin
Leslie Marsh Leander an-idiot-i-suppose sphinx
Lev Aarons Lev curse-of-knowledge westwind
Mary Anemone Silverstring Anemone apprenticebard
Meng Yao my westwind
Sir Martin Blackwood Martin Harvey Guillen westwind
Sister Araari must-not-fall hearts
Zoë Aletheia Zoe nextworldover