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Setting: The Elder Scrolls
Characters Tagged: The Elder Scrolls
Name Template Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast User
Tamriel Settings beauty-of-dawn ChaosMagic
Tamriel σ Settings mundus Anya
Tasha'es the Silver Silver ~ Outgoing softpaw ChaosMagic
The Night Mother ΩΩ Minor Characters sweet-mother Sage/Nemesis
Titus Aemilius α Titus Vestige soul-shriven Aaron Bernards Anya
Ulfric Stormcloak Minor Skyrim Characters voiceofwinter Sean Bean ChaosMagic
Vessaris γ Sera Wanderer shadowfoot Liu Yifei Anya
Vex γ Sera Wanderer legends-are-made Brittany O'Grady Anya
Yolokaaz Ω Sam third-born Sage/Nemesis
Total: 84