Setting: Golarion
Characters Tagged: Golarion
Name Template Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast User
Marc Solari i-want-out Vaniver
Marit meet-your-heroes lintamande
Marit Tenwaller Charthagnion Manor [open, to the right sort] lintamande
Marquis Artur de la Codonera (z) Minor Convention Delegates her-majesty's-slave Aevylmar
Marquis Vidal Puig de Almenar iron-hand-and-head valencia_o
Mar Rossell Religious: Fiducia Mar Rossell JiSK
Marshall Patricks Patricks Family here-to-help Nymtheriel
Melina Vaniver
Menas Sing by the light here at nightfall danarmak
Menas's family Sing by the light here at nightfall danarmak
Mendev but we're all stuck down here on the ground teceler
Mephistopheles God of Golarion the-devils-greatest-trick danarmak
Mete Eburnus selling-you-snakes miniBill
Mido Saei the natural enemy of a lawful society Ephemeral
Milani at-what-cost Iarwain
Mildly Annoyed Westcrown Shopkeeper scanning all frequencies [Open] Arete/Stars
Milites Caracies Miles Edgeworth though-ive-fallen Arete/Stars
Minagho Tie yourself in knots danarmak
Mireia Llaquet the blame of loss or murder Arete/Stars
Mirrorgrave Golarion Characters reflection-of-power Aevylmar
Miscellaneous Chelaxians scanning all frequencies [Open] Alicorn
Miscellaneous Taldans if the item is stowed or placed elsewhere Alicorn
Misc. Golarionites occupational hazards Alicorn
Mitica of Stonefall but we're all stuck down here on the ground born-for-the-stars teceler
Moloch God of Golarion obedient-war-unceasing danarmak