Setting: Golarion
Characters Tagged: Golarion
Name Template Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast User
Golarion Gods Zmavli
Golarion Rescue Station #1130025866 Sing by the light here at nightfall þeremin
Golarion Rescue Station #414239 Sing by the light here at nightfall þeremin
Golarion Rescue Station #49928553312 Sing by the light here at nightfall þeremin
Golarion Rescue Station #682993 Sing by the light here at nightfall þeremin
Gordy Gord more-gord-more-good Arnold Schwarzenegger danarmak
Gorthoklek cryptoprocta-ferox miniBill
Gorthoklek hell's-young-master Iarwain
Gorum God of Golarion our-lord-in-stainless-steel danarmak
Grask Uldeth Golarion Characters last-known-survivor Aevylmar
Greystripe little-hoot danarmak
GriddleHark we do bones, motherfucker Fist
Grieving Westcrown Resident scanning all frequencies [Open] Talia
Grue The paint is hope and promise þeremin
Gruhastha sanity-waterline RationalMoron
Guy being bribed by the chair of the committee Succession and Inheritance (Committee, Day 2) Arete/Stars
Guy mad about the riots scanning all frequencies [Open] bluejay
Guy smart enough to figure out that the delegates are getting paid a lot but not wise enough to figure out that provoking an archmage is a bad idea scanning all frequencies [Open] Arete/Stars
Guy who did not have insurance against his business being burned down scanning all frequencies [Open] Arete/Stars
Guy who has accepted Élie's offer of anonymity and is kind of confused about what committees do. A proposal for Law and Order lantalótë
Guy who has made a lot of money betting on executions scanning all frequencies [Open] Arete/Stars
Guy Who Hates Delegates scanning all frequencies [Open] ray
guy who is either bad at metaphors or good at metaphors The Patron Goddess of These Lands lux
Guy Who Wants Blood A Proposal to Ban Slander [open, coordinate on Discord] Aevylmar
Halfling slave #958245 "Broom" stuck-cleaning-it-up Iarwain
Total: 664