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New Game Plus
Nickname New Game Plus
Facecast Jeremy Sumpter
Setting Pathfinder, Golarion

Fernando, reincarnated as halfling post Chelcon.

He has finally fixed the flaws in his spell preparation and broken past his limits to level beyond first circle and be a proper wizard

Wizard (Conjuration)
Opposition Schools: Illusion, Enchantment
Strength 9
Dexterity 9
Constitution 11 (9)
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 6
Charisma 7
Feats: Eschew Material, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (Conjuration), Childlike (halfling racial feat)
Depending on how far past Chelcon he is and how much he has leveled, he may also know, Opposition Research (Illusion) (Well mostly, he still struggles some with learning new illusion spells but the illusion spells he has learned he can prepare consistently), Combat Casting, Augment Summoning, Quick Preparation.

He favors conjuration, divination, and transmutation.

Typical Spell Preparations at 5th level

Adventuring combat:
0: Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost
1: Infernal Healing x2, Mage Armor, Endure Elements, Silent Image
2: Summon Monster II x2, Summon Swarm
3: Summon Monster III, Haste

Subtler Adventuring Jobs:
0: Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Prestidigitation, Detect Fiendish Presence
1: Infernal Healing x1, Mage Armor, Unseen Servant, Endure Elements (depending on weather), Silent Image (after overcoming his limits with illusions)
2: Summon Monster II, Detect Thoughts, Greater Detect Magic
3: Urban Step, Arcane Sight

Downtime spell prep:
0: Detect Magic, Scrivener's Chant, Prestidigitation, Mending
1: Infernal Healing x2, Endure Elements x2, Unseen Servant
2: Tears to Wine x2, Communal Mount
3: Phantom Steed x2

Spells at time of Isekai:
Subtler Adventuring Jobs:
0: Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Prestidigitation, Detect Fiendish Presence
1: Infernal Healing x1, Unseen Servant, Endure Elements (already cast), Silent Image, Detect Secret Doors
2: Summon Monster II, Detect Thoughts, Greater Detect Magic
3: Arcane Sight (in use), Urban Step

Other spells he has (picking up spells is a major hobby and expenditure, he could have afford a restoration earlier if he was more selective)
Air bubble, Protection from Good/Evil/Chaos/Law, Alarm, Magic Missile, Floating Disk, Grease, Web, Glitterdust, See Invisible, Fox's Cunning, Owl's Wisdom, False Life

Obscure spells (thanks to the Spell Lord helping to reveal/invent, popularize, and spread more obscure spells):
Crafter's Fortune, Arcane Pocket, Voluminous Vocabulary, Urban Step

If he makes it to 4th circle, he will also have dimension door and summon monster 4.