Daily Report - Sep 22, 2024
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New the only thing that could make this situation more embarrassing [open][omake] The Chelish Constitutional Convention 32 4 11:52 PM
before someone less Good does [omake]
"you made this go as badly as possible!" no we didn't, but we can if you insist
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 20 5 11:19 PM
Has Warnings this starfish throws herself
we'll build a Lucy and we'll make Lamashtu pay for it
Sandboxes 962 1 9:54 PM
New the personal is political [Open]
this is the kind of thing that made Lord Mayor Bainilus popular despite all the everything required to be Lord Mayor in Infernal Cheliax
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 6 0 8:52 PM
From the correspondence of Barrister Oriol, 4-8 Sarenith 4714 [open, for incoming letters or reply letters] The Chelish Constitutional Convention 11 2 6:51 PM
give claws to the weak between adventures 263 1 6:47 PM
Has Warnings no good at goodbyes
aloy!eridani in horizon zero dawn
Fulmination 997 6 6:32 PM
its roots are still growing (but it died long ago)
heart-eating witches
Fulmination 96 4 6:32 PM
the madness of wizards between adventures 43 2 6:17 PM
do not bring us to the time of trial
Sandboxes 31 6 5:56 PM
New Estimated class percentages - Not a thread, just information storage Sandboxes 0 0 5:08 PM
Has Warnings no accident must ever help the detective
the cause of, and solution to, all life's problems
Sandboxes 404 2 3:41 PM
Complete A modest (marriage) proposal
Quirze has a brilliant idea to bring peace to Aspramunt
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 46 3 2:10 PM
No more than one drop in a limitless ocean
Maenik visits the southern fishing village.
Sandboxes 234 8 1:31 PM
Complete New Order has been restored; welcome to the New Order
Can someone please explain the local murder-festival tradition?
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 42 29 1:28 PM
Complete In The Event of My Death The Chelish Constitutional Convention 1 1 12:21 PM
Has Warnings To hell in a handbook
Some people should not have reality-warping power
Ere Jeremiad 93 6 10:29 AM
the great and the good between adventures 1354 24 7:59 AM
castle through check
Blai in The Wandering Inn
Sandboxes 400 10 6:57 AM
Извините, а вы точно человек?
Ведьма, святая дева и некромант в мире магик
шкатулки и паладины 949 31 3:53 AM
not going out tonight [OPEN]
a thread for characters who react to riots with (un)common sense
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 13 2 1:05 AM
5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel
Blai in Haven City
Sandboxes 222 18 1:02 AM
Has Warnings monstergirls are fun and profitable
Monstergirl Powers Gacha
Sandboxes 426 4 1:01 AM
Has Warnings With all due respect
Because this probably happened a lot of times, unless Elie made a good enough example of the first one
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 13 1 12:51 AM
Has Warnings New we kind of did start the fire
sometimes you get the wrong house
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 29 20 12:44 AM
Total: 29