Daily Report - Aug 29, 2024
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New Religious: Xènia Solé The Chelish Constitutional Convention 0 0 9:47 PM
New A Dialogue on Ensuring the Righteousness of the Nobility [Open]
it's too late, I've already depicted you as Simplicio and me as Saviesa
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 17 16 9:37 PM
New with Heaven's blessing
Carlota wants to meet the Queen's paladin friend
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 15 10 8:58 PM
Has Warnings New Brief Rules for Orderly Debate [OPEN] The Chelish Constitutional Convention 76 18 8:07 PM
Complete New if any man shall take away
there are less than ten people on the planet who have heard the name "alfirin"
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 24 13 6:14 PM
Complete New [Election] Roger Texidor
fuck the queen and the archmages she rode in on
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 1 1 2:57 AM
Total: 6