Daily Report - Jun 21, 2020
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Hiatused the same rain that draws you near me
Jaime discovers a masquerade.
Jewel Box cluster 424 4 10:48 PM
Hiatused New feels like the end of the world (but it's only the beginning of it all)
an ayra reincarnates as leia organa
Heart's Dusk 131 1 10:47 PM
Hiatused every step and the road gets longer
a portal opens between Murune and the Naruto-verse
Sandboxes 151 1 10:03 PM
Hiatused human yet, and something more
A Starfleet vessel stumbles across an unintentional visitor.
Sandboxes 239 1 7:28 PM
Hiatused Shards Sandboxes 49 1 7:03 PM
Complete Has Warnings Space is vast, you are small
Circa OUATIS, the Mechanisms pick up some doofus who it is inconveniently difficult to kill. His name is Honey.
Sandboxes 773 4 5:05 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings I can't stop 'til the whole world knows my name
Young Avengers Assemble
Manual of Chaos 102 1 1:05 PM
Hiatused for when your world seems to crumble again
a (very decidedly ex) stormtrooper falls on Xena
Manual of Chaos 80 2 1:03 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings go not into the woods, my children
for there are monsters lurking there
Manual of Chaos 75 2 12:58 PM
Hiatused and there's no one road
Space Krissan meet Amenta
Sandboxes 69 2 12:55 PM
Hiatused alchemical tinkering
Belmarniss in Fullmetal Alchemist
Sandboxes 496 6 12:53 PM
Hiatused through knowledge my chains are broken
Revan meets Luke Skywalker
Sandboxes 57 6 12:52 PM
Complete Has Warnings we'll go down in history
Su and Naruto in Voltron
Harmonic Sky 545 8 7:13 AM
Complete peace is a fiction of our faith
Occlus meets a redeemed Darth Vader
Fulmination 1087 9 7:01 AM
Hiatused is his castle Sandboxes 421 12 3:05 AM
Hiatused Has Warnings feels like silver
an Eelesia is the summoned hero
Phantom Augen 788 50 12:20 AM
Hiatused Has Warnings truck-kun is making an exception here
a Cameron is the demon lord
Phantom Augen 1986 49 12:07 AM
Complete Has Warnings no promise of freedom, no hope of redemption
followup to what promises signed in our blood.
if the world can't be saved, I'll save it anyway 1839 213 12:04 AM
Complete Has Warnings lì a casa il cuore sentirai
velgarth bell and leareth become very upset
Volare 3188 135 12:00 AM
Total: 19