Daily Report - Jun 12, 2020
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Complete sparks fly (whenever you smile)
Hashirama and Sasuke in space
Manual of Chaos 109 1 8:57 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings and therefore never send to know
Rian and Orochimaru coalition build
Manual of Chaos 84 1 8:56 PM
Hiatused for when your world seems to crumble again
a (very decidedly ex) stormtrooper falls on Xena
Manual of Chaos 80 1 8:52 PM
Hiatused Elementary, my dear Melissa
A Mal falls through a portal into Periodicity
Faustian Caliphate 303 2 8:45 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings all I can do is cry on my own
magical girl Sasuke's adventures in PMMM
Hope Itself 316 1 8:44 PM
Complete Has Warnings my shadow's over you
A new Loki is born
Manual of Chaos 421 2 8:43 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings I can't stop 'til the whole world knows my name
Young Avengers Assemble
Manual of Chaos 102 1 8:40 PM
Complete Has Warnings howling ghosts they reappear
elrics meet an orc
Fulmination 1189 8 8:35 PM
Hiatused that i am stuck in this human form
A Luehmani and a Rianchimaru in Boyfriend Dungeon
Sandboxes 673 1 8:27 PM
Hiatused forget so we can begin again
Decima and mind control utopia L in Milliways
Sandboxes 157 1 8:25 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings take me where I cannot stand
River Tam has a dream
Sandboxes 453 6 8:24 PM
Hiatused I've seen worlds that don't belong
The Krissan meet some aliens
Sandboxes 106 9 8:21 PM
Hiatused Shadows bend and shape to something new
Xena lands on shaper alistair
Sandboxes 188 2 8:19 PM
Hiatused alchemical tinkering
Belmarniss in Fullmetal Alchemist
Sandboxes 496 4 8:19 PM
Hiatused and there's no one road
Space Krissan meet Amenta
Sandboxes 69 4 8:18 PM
Hiatused a little lonesome in your soul
Maya the elementalist kobold meets grumpy old man Kurama
Sandboxes 63 2 8:15 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings quite the charmer
sugira drops on the handmaiden
Heart's Dusk 92 6 8:15 PM
Hiatused the stars are free
Foresight and Cherish in the Honor Harrington universe
Sandboxes 326 1 8:13 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings born free, and everywhere in chains
Permission comes under new divine management
Sandboxes 49 1 8:09 PM
Hiatused every step and the road gets longer
a portal opens between Murune and the Naruto-verse
Sandboxes 151 1 8:08 PM
Hiatused fireball whiskey
the 1920s sure were roaring (or, dungeons and dragons and prohibition)
Sandboxes 349 3 7:58 PM
Hiatused gold in those hills
Teddy, recent orphan*, works through new powers, a new school, and grief.
Sandboxes 422 1 6:00 PM
Hiatused the same rain that draws you near me
Jaime discovers a masquerade.
Jewel Box cluster 424 2 4:08 PM
Hiatused human yet, and something more
A Starfleet vessel stumbles across an unintentional visitor.
Sandboxes 239 13 2:01 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings Fight With Yourself And Your Thoughts In The Night
Baby Adrian and Anders meet in the psych ward
Hecate 72 1 1:04 PM
Total: 53