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it is a truth universally acknowledged that a supervillain in possession of good taste must be in want of a nemesis (or, meguca Ruby cross drops on Worm)
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She can get all that fairly easily. These people aren't really on guard for her brand of infiltration.


Their loss, her gain. 

She'll duck out when it gets closer to sunrise, hit up a twenty four hour pharmacy for a small notebook and some pens, and then she'll head back to the hotel to see if Ellie's awake yet. 


She is absolutely not.



Hmmm... Eh, keeping food fresh is a bit extra in terms of energy efficiency, but it's within her powers. So she'll order a nice breakfast and some very strong coffee, and just put them in stasis until Ellie wakes up. 

(Ruby doesn't sit in the bedroom to watch her, as tempting as it is. Instead she sits in the living room part of the suite and gets out her notebook, running scries and taking notes on her local criminal element she got her leads on.)


It is well after sunrise and in fact closer to noon by the time Ellie stirs.


Yeah, Ruby's had time to get bored and do more shopping (a better notebook with dividers, sparklier gel pens, a pocket calendar, and more clothes, including an incredibly adorkable Incandesce-branded racerback tank), though she's back in the room before Ellie gets up. 


"Morning," she grudgingly mumbles, moving with unerring instinct to the coffee.


"Good noon!" she says, only a bit excessively peppily.


Oh sweetly bitter coffee, she would be nothing without you.


"Sorry. Didn't mean to sleep this late."


"You're fine - I used the time to get a lot done, actually..." 


"So I see. Nice shirt, by the way."


She poses. "Thanks! I'm a real Incandesce fan, you know."


"Maybe you should get her to sign it."


"The real question is if she should sign it before or after I take it off..."


"Maybe save that thought for the Incandesce-brand underwear."


Giggle! "I didn't see any at the store..."


"They're a bit of a specialty item. The tourist shops that see a lot of families don't tend to stock them."


"So where do I find it, oh guide?"


"You can either order it online, or we can go on a bit of an adventure."


"I like adventures."


"Then let me eat and we can head out."


She'll make sure the food is warm and out of stasis.


Then once Ellie is fully ready to face the day, out into the city they go. She steers them away from the more obvious tourist traps and to a lingerie boutique. As promised, there is a section with Incandesce-branded items, many of them featuring lacy flame patterns.


Nice. Also, totally her style. She'll take a variety. Plus some of the other lingerie, while she's at it - what does Ellie think about this tiger-stripe lace - ? Or, ooo, this one has ribbons -


Why not both, if money is no object? She'd look good in either.

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