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it is a truth universally acknowledged that a supervillain in possession of good taste must be in want of a nemesis (or, meguca Ruby cross drops on Worm)
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Indeed it does! Little tiny six inch vents.


Enough for smoke. But since he saw her coming earlier...

She tightens her notice-me-not protections as much as she can, focuses on stalking - on being the predator following the prey, suspected but never seen - 

She turns to smoke, and she heads for her target. 


She can slip through through the surface vents and weave through the filters easily enough.

And it's not until she's in the room, coiling up for her strike, that the cartel boss gives a jerk and begins shouting panicked instructions for his henchmen to take battle positions.


She's already pouncing, an apparition of smoke and flame - 

And, unlike local capes, she doesn't have to obey anything as silly as the Manton limit. A fire burns under his skin even before she reaches him, taking sudden physical form, teeth aiming for his neck. 


He dies, horribly.

The henchmen would like to return her the favor, if she doesn't mind.


Lmao nope. 

She turns back to smoke before anyone can shoot her, then, hmmm, she's not actually practiced at taking people alive... Ah, well, they're already firing, so if she makes a mistake she's probably covered legally. 

How do they feel about the room filling with smoke?


One of them tries to inhale it all, his skin becoming smoke-tinged as he does so.


Wow rude. Also like, resisting won't exactly work, sooo. 

Hmmm... All the guns (or other weapons) in the room catch on fire. 


Aaaghh! This is not appreciated.


"You're welcome to surrender at any time," she says in Spanish as she rumbles in amusement. 


...Is that an option?

Of course not, fight to the death!

The boss is already dead, though.

So they'd rather go to prison?

Yes? The other option seems to be horrible death by fire.

Good point. They surrender.


Very smart of them!

(...Do they have their own way out of this bunker, actually, or is she going to need to call the police to come rescue them. (Though maybe she can figure out passengers? She can almost certainly just carry the corpse out with her, especially if she picks it up while human-shaped then folds it into hammerspace with her, but she's never tried that with a living passenger... Though she's definitely taking like, microbes with her...))


The teleporter is still alive, albeit trying to not whimper from having his palms scorched off when Ruby toasted his AK.


She makes sure she has his scent, just in case he gets any bright ideas about making a run for it. 


Yeah, nope, please don't burn him any more, scary tiger. He'll just get everyone up to the surface.


And she'll find a local phone to call the authorities with! 


Authorities were not expecting this to happen but are readily convinced to deal with the aftermath.


Awesome. Only question after that is the bounty money. 


They can do a wire transfer, if she has a bank account?


...She knew she was forgetting something. 

(How quickly can she get a bank account?...Especially an anonymous one for people with secret identities.)


In her previous investigations, she happened across a cape by the name of the Number Man, who has a solid reputation as a provider of banking services for those who are unwilling or unable to interact with the financial system in a more normal fashion. Getting in contact and setting up an account takes only half an hour or so. He's surprisingly efficient.

After the government transaction goes through, he can also handle receiving the bounties various private entities offered on the same target.


A nice and solid chunk of change. (She's never actually had this much money at once before! But she could totally start looking for a house supervillain lair with this in hand. Even just an empty plot of land, honestly; Ruby's magic theme doesn't lend itself ideally to most architecture but she can make it work. And then she gets to design things from scratch...)

She'll probably have to spend most of the day on this - but she keeps an eye on the time, a little antsy to return before it'd get too late back in Philadelphia.


She can make it back for a late dinner.


First thing: she checks her phone. (...Oh, she should get her number to Ellie, speaking of phones...)


Incandesce has texted her! Some pictures of the city and a restaurant recommendation.

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