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Isn’t it weird how many magical items are found in old houses in washington? This time it’s not wishcoins.
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Oh he doesn't want staff hand? well then no further turning hand into staff will occur. But three of his fingers are already partially made of wood and fused together now.


Ennis focuses as much as he can — which given his panic isn't actually that focused — on his hand turning back to normal RIGHT NOW PLEASE.


But does he know exactly what normal is supposed to look like? His hand goes less wooden and his fingers unfuse, he has enough knowledge and intent to do that. But his fingers still look wrong and fucked up. He can just KNOW from the body sense that they don’t look at all like the ones on his other hand anymore. Since he can sense both hands down to the tiniest detail.


“What the fuuuuuuuck” Andrea is just a horrified spectator to all this.


"I-I'm working on it! I think I see why the book said we needed supervision, now!"

Ennis has another working, normal hand. Can he copy the internals of his normal left hand onto his warped right hand?


If he remembers to flip the details! Sure! Now he has two identical hands, down to the fingerprints. Let’s hope he didn't have fingerprint ID on anything using that hand.


“Oh shit… I was scared you'd turn into a tree for a second.” But everything seems back to normal now? And Ennis just clearly did magic! THEY WERE GONNA BE WIZARDS! 


Ennis is very relieved that his hand is back to normal! He does motions with his fingers and they work normally! That was very scary. He sits down and drops the staff between Anders and him.

"Well. I have some idea of how the staff works now: it changes people. I was focusing on the staff when I wanted something to change, and it tried to turn my hand into wood. It couldn't reverse the changes on it's own, I had to copy my left hand to fix my right hand. I... think you might be able to fix your leg with it, but please be careful."


“I think… maybe we try to see what the notes say first? Google translate at least? It’s only pain. I’d rather go to the ER than end up with a built in peg leg.” But if there are instructions, and once he’s read them. He is gonna do SO MUCH magic. You should always read the instructions booklet, ignoring them is how you end up with ruined Ikea furniture. His dad never reads the instructions and ruins so many things. It has never been a bad idea to read what comes in the box before assembling. The same probably holds true of horrifying magical items that can turn you into wood.


Ennis is broadly in agreement with this idea. He pulls out his phone and tries to get Google Translate up. His web browser spins for a while but after a couple of minutes still hasn't loaded anything.  "I think we'll have to wait a bit, the storm's killing my phone's internet."


“We’d be stuck here for a while anyway if we wanted to go to the ER. I can wait. Just need to never ever ever move my leg, not even to stretch a muscle, and I’ll be fine.” It does hurt rather a lot but achey dull throbby pain is really easy to ignore for Andrea. “Once we figure it out… anything you wanna change?” 

Andrea, being a teenage boy, plans to make his dick wayyyy bigger, not that he will say that out loud to a stranger. Also he’s always hated how neanderthal his deepset eyes and prominent brow makes him look, maybe he could make his brow smaller or shift his eyes forward slightly. Also his harry potter knockoff forehead scar needs to go, he’s way easier to track down because of that. He wants to know what Ennis will admit to wanting before he admits to anything himself though.


"I think I'll try making some of my hair a different color. That seems relatively safe, and I'll always have extra hair to copy if I mess up. If I can figure out how to do it I'll get rid of my facial hair, shaving is annoying. Changing my eye color would be cool, but I'm hesitant to mess with my eyes at all."

There are actually quite a lot of cosmetic changes Ennis would make if he could do them, but now that it's actually an option he can't come up with that much on the spot.


“Yooo no more shaving. Great idea.” This makes sense as an opinion for Andrea to have, since he has the shittiest wispiest most garbage looking dirt stache ever. Just truly embarrassing facial hair. Hairier 14 year olds exist. This was not someone who can grow good looking facial hair.

”If I change my hair colour to something weird, does that make us anime wizards? Genre wise.” Andrea has not yet seen much anime, but he knows crazy hair is almost a prerequisite.


"It... possibly makes us anime wizards? Even with a lot of modification I really doubt we'll end up looking like anime characters, the way light works in the real world is just too different."

Ennis will keep brainstorming possible changes with Anders. He gets quite excited about a lot of them. Most of the changes he proposes are primarily cosmetic and not major body alterations, Ennis is unsure how safe non-cosmetic changes are.


Aaaaaand a whole bunch of notifications show up at once on Ennis’s phone. Looks like mobile data is back.


Andrea hears the notification boops. “Sweet, we can google now. I think our best bet are these pages.” Gesturing to the papers where he has sorta guessed the important info might be.


Ennis will get to translating! It's not super easy to get the writing into his phone, it's all messily handwritten and he's not used to typing Latin, but he manages.


Andrea does his best with his Italian knowledge and his general nerd knowledge of latin root words such that are used in science and fake magical spells. Trying to take his mind off his broken foot the whole time.



It takes them an AGE to get anywhere. A lot of the papers seem like diary entries about what the wizard did that day, without any instructions. But eventually they get some repeated concepts in all the papers they found that mention the staff. (They would be here probably for years if they were to translate ALL of the papers.)

The wizard complains about not having a partner anymore to help him, because using the staff alone is risky? Might be addictive? The notes latin doesn't match up perfectly with what google has. He has reminders to only make one change at a time, underlined in some cases. Theres a concept that being changed opens the ‘door in your mind’ to more changes, which is why it’s better to have a trusted partner do them. One of the notes is a… morality fable? About a man called idiot who didn’t heed his master and used the staff for big changes alone, and he kept changing and changing until he was some untranslatable word. One of the papers mentions how he had to stop changing his dogs, and he misses having untranslatable word dogs. One is a very detailed internal picture of a flower, and how he made it’s nectar taste like untranslatable word with the staff.


"Should I try and fix your foot, since that's supposedly less dangerous? I don't actually know how to use the staff on other people, maybe if I touch you with it while holding it? Are you okay with me trying?"


“Yeah just uhhh. Don’t turn my foot into a tree.” Ennis fixed his own hand up alright…. And doing it on himself is supposed to be… risky? One change at a time was supposed to be fine though. His reasoning is mostly he just doesn’t want to see his insides again when he agrees to let Ennis try first.


Ennis grabs the staff and touches the end to Anders' chest. What does his foot/ankle look with biosensing? Does it seem like he can mirror Anders' foot like he mirrored his hand?


If the staff is touching someone else, helpfully the biosensing focuses on them, rather than yourself now, meaning you don't end up having the magical awareness of two entire human bodies going through your mind. And yep! It should be simple enough to mirror the unbroken bone on the other foot.


“Fuuuuck that feels super weird. It’s like being at the dentist and feeling the vibrations of them doing something even though it doesn't hurt.” Feeling the bone shift back into place and fuse back together under the skin was kinda gross. 


"I'm just glad it doesn't hurt, it looks like it should." Once Ennis finishes fixing Anders' ankle he puts the staff back down. "You alright now? I think that worked properly..."

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