An Edie and Elves in Middle-Earth
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Odette can and will refrain from reading anything unnecessary into this, but at some point she does ask, "At some point after I've gotten Sympathy teleportation worked out and can be effectively on-call I'm going to talk to a lot of people about my magic and fighting Morgoth, including Finrod; should I remember you to him?"


"M'lord King would certainly desire to know that I am alive and well," she says. "He has the opinion that the fate of Men to age and die is natural and proper, and may be distressed to learn you've changed it."


"I have been warned as much. I find this opinion slightly less relevant to whether or not I will do so anyway than the fact that onions exist."


"I only mean to make you aware of the reaction you can expect when you convey my deep and sincere regards to him."


"I mean, you weren't dead when I showed up, just saying you're still alive and conveying your regards isn't going to tell him that you're going to continue to be fine for the forseeable future. I'll probably have to mention that separately."


"All right. In any event you should tell him; it's important news."


"You are being very calm and very polite and if you're trying to send polite signals that I'm treading on sensitive ground I'm not picking them up. I know I've been saying some things that could be sensitive and if so I apologize."


"Hmmm? No, I just find it gets me farther to be courteous, particularly when I have disagreements but not exclusively then or it'd be less useful then. These are  my people. If there's something you needed to know I assure you I'd tell you. Lord Aegnor is not a sensitive subject; the fact people are going around whispering that he probably will be, the poor girl, might be but I have other priorities."


"More the fact that based on what I've heard about him I disagree with Finrod about a great many things and I wasn't sure if you wanted me not to use you to tweak his nose because I can't do anything much more impolite than that without repercussions for other people. I have no particular expectations as to how you ought to feel about Aegnor--from everything I've heard, he dumped you, I don't even know how long ago probably decades? and even if you still had feelings for him I'm going to bring him back, so." She shrugs. "None of my business anyway."


"I have a great deal of respect for both m'lord King Finrod and Lord Aegnor and do not think the King would take the news that I'm well as an insult, even a particularly restrained one. He likes me. He thinks Men are a fundamentally different category of thing, but we've managed a friendship despite that.


"Not an insult, necessarily, just..." she shrugs. "Maybe elves and humans are fundamentally different. There do seem to be some pretty significant metaphysical differences. But the idea that that means there's anything wrong with making us more similar when the difference disadvantages one party or the other--well. If I agreed with that, I wouldn't have glowing silver eyes."


"I did notice that. I thought you were an Elf at first, actually. Do they help you see, or just help you look like a person to them?"


"Help me see. If I could have figured out which parts of the altered structure were necessary and which ones were cosmetic I'd probably have kept my old eye color."


"They're very pretty, though."


"They are. I'll probably keep them even if I do figure out how to put them back, it's not really a priority what with Morgoth needing to die so badly so by the time I get around to it I'm sure people will just be used to them this way and it won't be a complicated pro-Elf-superiority statement not to switch back."


"Elven eyesight is in fact objectively superior. Elven lifespans, too."


"Having to maintain one's lifespan via magic is less of a disadvantage, once it's an option."


"Our people hold that we were always meant to be immortal, but that when we were very young the Enemy stole it from us."


"Couldn't comment on that. If it's true and somehow someone figures out how to reverse the theft, more power to 'em, but since magic as it currently stands can hold old age off indefinitely investigating that isn't terribly high on my priority list."


"Mine either.

Who offered your sister the city and what did they want in exchange?"


"It was Fingon's idea. He didn't...explicitly ask for anything."




"I'm not sure. You can ask Illia, later, I was flitting around in Feanorian territory at the time."


She nods. "And you already told me how you found them. Thank you for everything."


"People were dying. People are dying. I do what I can. It's not enough."

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