An Edie and Elves in Middle-Earth
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"But like, you can just create it and then expand it, or is that harder than expanding from a non-created sample even so?"


"Once a thing exists there's no meaningful difference between it and an identical object that wasn't created magically."


"Alright. Have fun with it. I hope the new material is suited."


"Your brother's pretty confident that it is!"


"And pretty much never wrong!"


"That's what I'm counting on!"


The next morning, breakfast and off to the spiders.


Right before she leaves, Odette says quietly to Celegorm, "So I've been thinking about some of the things I said last night. One of the easiest possible mistakes to make, when dealing with someone who thinks differently than you do, is to believe--consciously or subconsciously--that they have thought processes more like what you would naively expect and react accordingly. I think there might have been some of that when I was asking about whether your brother was pretending. It's a dick move and I don't like the idea that I would do that. If you catch me doing it again, will you let me know?"


"Was I subtle about it this time?"


"Let me rephrase that: I was being a dick without meaning to. I apologize. I appreciate you calling me out on it, and I am actively soliciting similar in the future because I am aware it is a dick move and I don't want to do it again."




I like you a lot. I love my brothers. I appreciate you learning from things and telling me I can keep pointing them out and stuff, but honestly, I'd do it anyway, there's a reason no one sends me on diplomatic trips."


"I noticed. That's one of the things I like about you. I think when I say 'keep pointing things out to me' what I'm actually trying to communicate is 'I will listen when you point things out to me,' which, frankly, doesn't go without saying."


"No, it doesn't. Have a good trip. Keep the spiders safe and cozy."


"Will do!"

So she hauls the tinkte she already has to the spider forest, and replaces the glass, and hauls the glass to the site of her sister's city-to-be, and gets started on building it.


Her sister's city-to-be is within sight of the shore, and very beautiful. It's also within sight of the ruins of an abandoned Elven city.


Of course it's beautiful. Illia designed it. And consulted Elves.

Odette makes a note in her journal to ask about the city later.


Evening comes. The sun sets over the water.


Odette acquires a fish from the water, checks that it's not poisonous, guts it, cooks it and eats it. She works into the night and goes to sleep in one of the finished buildings.

It takes her several more days to get the city finished.


That is still, of course, absurdly fast for building a city.


Well, magic is awesome. And she doesn't need to have the whole thing done right now, just the bare bones.


Nothing disturbs her while she works.


And then there is a city. Well. Now...she should let her sister know, and...probably talk to the refugees from Dorthonion again. she didn't specify when she would be back but she shouldn't keep them waiting too long.

She has a conversation with Illia on the way there about everything that's been happening, and eventually reaches the area where she left the refugees last. Is Andreth immediately visible, or is she going to have to look for her.


Immediately visible; they're doing magic practice outside. Despite the admonition, people much younger than fourteen are doing it.


Sigh. Well, she can't really criticism their priorities, under the circumstances. as long as none of them appear to be being coerced, she's not going to raise a fuss about it. She heads down to the magic practice area.


Everyone stops and looks at her attentively.

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