An Edie and Elves in Middle-Earth
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"Yeah. I just--I get that there's reasons for people to be mad at your dad, and none of it makes me any less sympathetic to the fact that you miss him."




She hugs him briefly. "I should probably actually get started on doing useful things for the day."


"I wasn't going to say it. Tyelpe left me his list of magic items by order of complexity, if you're inclined to give that sort of thing a try."


"I think I would like this list and I will use it but I'm not going to start off by using it right now. Um, I assume that was either your brother or nephew but I'm not sure which."


"Cool, where are you headed? And nephew."


"Probably I will go kill orcs because that's the primary flying-compatible thing on my rotation and I really feel like flying right now. Real flying, not just hovering."





She can probably deal with the diplomacy thing on a roughly elvish timescale; she's not planning on putting it off too much, especially since she's planning to build her sister's city after she retrieves the glass currently making up the spider dome which should happen roughly concurrent with diplomacising with Doriath, but it can wait a week or so, probably. She generates more of the transparent material, and hunts down the linguistics guild and consults with them on it, and clears ash out of the sky, and kills orcs, and visits human settlements and goes through her helping-humans list with them.


The linguistics guilt offers candidate words for plastics. And are very impressed. 


They should go be impressed with Curufin, he designed the stuff.

She likes "tinkte" best out of the available options--a portmanteau of the words for chain and honey, for the way the molecules are structured and arranged.


So it is named! Everyone is earnestly very pleased that this was possible, and they are impressed with Curufin, but they've already sworn him their lives, they can be impressed with other people too for a change.


This is fair. Magic is so great.

And then she has enough of the stuff to get started on the dome so she might as well arrange to talk to Maedhros (Maitimo, she has talked to her sister again in the intervening time, but she knows better than to say the name aloud and will cultivate good habits by not bringing up that she knows that name at all) about diplomacy so she can make her trip to the general Doriath area.


Maedhros has heard what she's been up to, wants to communicate his delight, and would love to have her for dinner.


Odette is vaguely suspicious as to whether he is actually feeling the emotion 'delight' but does her best not to let it show in case he is. She will totally come over for dinner.


Dinner contains a variety of food, served elaborately. Someone must have lectured him. Whether or not he is experiencing delight he smiles when he sees her. "Odette. Thank you for stopping in."


"My pleasure. How are you progressing at magic?"


He quirks an eyebrow. What had looked like a wooden shelf attached to the back wall floats up, down, then away from the wall. He takes a candy off it. "Would you like one? This is about as much weight as I can hold perfectly level, so far."


"What is it?"


"I have no idea. Don't have much sensation of taste. They're usually quite popular. The Dwarves import them."


...He probably knows she can fix that. She won't bring it up. "Sure, I'll try it."


They turn out to be chocolate truffles. They're quite good. The first course of dinner is a creamy soup, which Maedhros compliments the chef on. "Once the fighting dies down here, we want to counterattack. It seems like the Enemy gains capabilities unpredictably - the volcanos were disastrous, the dragons would have been devastating if not for an unexpected advantage on our side - and that waiting until we're in a position of more overwhelming strength might not work as intended. Both because we think it gives us the best chance of success and because it seems likeliest to leave a stable post-war political situation, we want a union of all the free peoples of Middle-earth in this fight."


"Makes sense." Ohmychocolate. Chocolate. She very carefully doesn't make any embarrassing noises but it's probably obvious from her expression that she's familiar with and delighted by the phenomenon. "So you want me to go around convincing people that it's a good idea, if only because magic?"


"Some people need convincing that we won't be throwing away their soldiers' lives; some people need convincing that it won't go perfectly well if they just hide behind the nearest mountains and ignore it; some people need convincing that I personally have no influence over it." He flutters his hands in a gesture of utter innocence. "Complicating matters, there is the Doom of the Valar, that all things we begin will turn to ruin. We don't know how possible that is to work around, but just in case, if someone who definitely isn't Doomed begins this, it's likelier not to end in ruin."


"I will be thrilled to help you evade the Doom in any way possible. What kind of time scale am I looking at?"

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