An Edie and Elves in Middle-Earth
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"I had kind of planned, when the war was over, to tell everyone fuck you and spend the next thousand years hiking the perimeter of the continent with Huan and any animals I met along the way for company. If Dad's back maybe I won't feel the need to do that."


"Reasonable. I wish you the best of luck if you decide to do that."


"I"m much less inclined that way, now. At a minimum I'd want to check out your world, once you can move freely between them."


"My world thus far appears to be shockingly similar to this one, in terms of flavor of wildlife. Maybe once the right people get good enough at magic we could send you to wander around on the moon for a while, our moon is a ball of rock like the earth but smaller."


"A ball of rock?"


She sends him a basic summary of how her solar system works.


"I really don't see how that'd work, but okay."


"I'm not sure how a flat world works. I'm pretty sure the answer in either case is 'more physics than either of us know'."


"Anyway, once you can bounce back and forth without problems I'd love to see yours. Valinor has every kind of wildlife, it's not that I'd need to see new animals, just - new places. New lands."


"One of the nice things about living in a flying city is loitering near the edge and watching the world go by below. I can recommend you some things that looked amazing from the air."


"I'd like that. ...can one just fall off? One who doesn't fly, I mean?"


"No, there's a thing, it's part of the enchantment."


"So what happens if you jump, do you just bounce right back?"


"The air sort of starts getting thicker...I'm not sure 'bounce back' evokes the right mental image but I think it's technically accurate."


"The Noldor would have turned it into a competitive sport."


She giggles. "I think Atennesi would probably have asked you to go build your own flying city and stop being a bad example for children creative enough to actually get over the barrier."


"We could do that."


"I bet! Enchanting is kind of hard, I can't do it just yet, but even a lot of non-Great mages learn it eventually so from everything I've heard about your dad he should be able to raise a city in a week." She's joking. Mostly.


"He's going to like you."


"That sounds strictly pleasanter than the alternative, especially since I anticipate liking him too."


"You will."


"Whenever you talk about your dad I feel either boiling anger that I'm not good enough to bring him back yet or bubbling delight that someday I will and right now it's the second one."


"Most people feel boiling anger for different reasons. Makes it a bit hard to just say - yes, he's amazing, and I love him, and I miss him."


"My mom hunted down and killed the man who murdered her parents and there was some collateral damage and there exist people who would have every right to hate her for that and I would go to the ends of the earth to get her back if something happened to her."


"We've just been trying to carry on the mission he left us."

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