An Edie and Elves in Middle-Earth
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"And the one I have a crush on had some profoundly helpful things to say when I had a mini-breakdown relating to my issues and how they interact with the current situation."


"I'm glad."


"I'd've been okay, mini-breakdowns are a thing that just happen sometimes and generally no one has anything particularly helpful to say and I'm fine."


"About what? If I may ask?"


"I periodically have problems with the fact that even if tomorrow I somehow managed to solve all of the world's problems people would still have to deal with the aftereffects of the time those problems spent unsolved."


"People are pretty resilient. I think that'd be less - ah, tragic - than it must seem to you."


"It's less--trauma--mostly, anyway--than things like dying while your children are young and not getting to see them grow up. And--people cope, I know that, but that doesn't make it okay."


"Some happy future is going to find all of our lives horrifying. For reasons that don't even bother us in the moment. I guess I don't give them a vote. We get to decide what's tragic in our lives."


"I mean I'm talking about the general case but most of what actually bothers me is some stuff that specifically happened to my family."


"I'm sorry. In that case you do have the right to feel irerevocably injured, and that sounds hard."


"It's not, except when it is. And it's why I'm as attached to my name as I am."


"I do not think it likely even m'lord King will suggest you change it."


"Apparently that's done for language reasons, sometimes, it's not always complete name changes, but I don't think anyone's going to try to outlaw any of the languages from my original universe."


"You would have to pull some very interesting stuff for them to be tempted to try."


"At least I can't get Doomed so it wouldn't be piling insult onto injury," she mutters.


"I don't know if the Valar can Doom Men. Might be they could."


"...The Elves seem pretty confident they can't..."


"The Elves have a very weird theology because they knew their gods personally a while ago and I am sure it's nice for them but I'm not sure it's accurate. Also 'Men shouldn't be immortal' is one of its implications."


"It has been suggested that if Men can be Doomed then I'm covered by their Doom for knowing about it and working with them anyway and if I'm Doomed then we're all fucked."


"Doesn't seem like a reason to be sure that it isn't true."


"Could be a reason to take action as though it isn't true, if there's nothing we can do about it if it is."


"Fair enough."


"If I see meaningful evidence that it is true I will try to think of something to do about it anyway."


"Being independent of the Elves and not working for them should possibly help."


"It's entirely possible, but I wouldn't want to bet our lives on it; the original victims were the Feanorians and it's been strongly implied that it's still expected to affect everyone else even though Fingolfin is High King."

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