Around seven in the morning, the other girls start to stir.
"Oh, that's Filch. He's terrible."
"He seemed terrible!"
"Gotta watch out for his cat, too. She doesn't talk but he somehow knows what she's saying."
"...Are there any cats that do talk?"
"Well, there's people who can become cats."
"Oh, I heard about that! I don't remember what it was called, though."
"Animagic. Professor McGonagall is an animagus and she becomes a cat. You can notice her glasses around her eyes when she's a cat."
"What if she's not wearing her glasses when she turns into a cat?"
Blink. "I never thought about that."
"Maybe I'll ask her!"
"Yeah, good idea."
"What does Filch do? He's not a teacher, is he?"
"Oh no, not at all, good Merlin, he's the caretaker."
"Oh good. Trying to learn from him would probably be--unpleasant."
"Yeah, but he's a Squib, so no worries there."
"A what?"
"Squib, means he doesn't have any magic."
"Oh, right, I heard someone use that word before. Why's he here, then?"
"No idea. Maybe Dumbledore's doing charity or something."
She shrugs and, for lack of anything better to do, gets started on her homework.
It's soon lunchtime.
Ooh. The food here is amazing.
...that wall didn't use to be there.