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It's not entirely clear how much abstract concepts weigh, though
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...Red Fir is nearly speechless, but even in the depths of his confusion he has enough presence of mind to say, "I would love to take it." He is being deliberate, regardless of whether Qana'to is, and the way his eyes are wandering is not leaving much to subtext at all.


"By all means, then! That's what it's for!" he says with evident joy. "I've had some trouble finishing lately, but I think it will be a satisfying challenge as it is. The last few pages are all things about sumptuary laws and the like, so hardly relevant material to learn." He steps back toward Red Fir, still holding out the book, but now he his genuine pedagogical joy has calmed enough for his cock to have a say again. "As for the other things you might want to learn, well, you'll have to drink straight from the source for those," he says with a smirk. "As for you, though, you handled that little walk better than I was expecting, I'll be honest. Still hard enough to hang the laundry on." He smirks and nods downward. "I hope it isn't rude to you to say the rest looks inviting as well."


He accepts the book and lifts an eyebrow. "I'm not sure where you expect me to put this right this second," he observes, gesturing expansively down at himself. "I didn't bring a bag, and I'm hoping my hands are about to get busy with something else."

(And despite the apparent calm of his words his cock twitches as he says that, and now in addition to wet he's also leaking a bit from his tip. It's taking him every ounce of self-control to not whine.)


Moon's mercy, which one am I supposed to be moving towards when they both are reacting? "You're supposed to be reading, no? Wasn't that the reason you are here? To pry my secrets from me?" He steps in close and lets one hand ghost down from the Viera's navel, where a happy trail might have been on another. "You mean to tell me a student of Baldesion is so easily swayed from his studies by a little bodily excitement? Tsk, I was sure you'd have more self-discipline than that." Uh, eeny meeny miney mo... "Maybe you can't be entrusted with my language after all, if you're so distractible." Well, a good Keeper man supports the women of the forest. He lets his fingers drift around the bobbing cock and traces the wet lips beneath it, waiting to press them inside until Red Fir has a chance to indicate pleasure. "Go on, then, Sharlayan. Read your books. If you can focus."


Red Fir shivers at the touch. It's so slight he's half-convinced he imagined it and it nevertheless makes him twitch again. "The reason I am here," he says, still keeping his composure, plus or minus a slight wobble, "was to get to know you in the way your people get to know each other. Immersion, remember? I am not a Seeker captive you need to string along." He's still holding the book with one hand, but the other he hooks behind the small of Qana'to's back to pull him so that their torsos are flush against each other, their cocks pressed between their bodies. "So go on, then, Keeper. Show me what it would be like if I lived in the Shroud with you."


The shiver was enough to be sure. Qana'to wordlessly shoves two fingers as deep as they will go, then curls them upward once they are well within their new home. He pulses them in and out a few times, rubbing his thumb against the underside of the cock—that part would take some getting used to. He really had only every done this on a proper clit. After a few seconds, he speaks. "Nhivna'sae varraimi poro kiipahgo'wo dolthi pi dolthi'a." Without bothering to translate, he grins and pulls Red Fir closer by the hip with his spare hand, nuzzling and then nipping his neck. "Daebis pi qoulrethia? Daebi pi reonnis." He purrs and bites Red's neck again. He'll play the student or he'll flounder; either way would be fun.


"Ah," he gasps, and he's not entirely sure which part of all of that caused it. It was almost certainly the part where he's being fingered but the foreign language and the biting are doing something. He doesn't even know if that's talking dirty or just saying things, from what little he knows of this man it could go either way, but it's still hot.

The result is that he's starting to melt into Qana'to's arms, regardless. "What does that mean?" he breathes, running his fingernails against the skin of Qana'to's back. He wishes he knew what to do with the book, he doesn't want to drop it because it's not his but he really wants both hands.


He giggles victoriously and presses upwards with a faster rhythm. "You wanted to see what it would be like if you lived in the Shroud with me, no?" he murmurs, his voice arpeggiating up and down playfully. "Do you think I speak Hingan or something when I'm fucking my friends under the cypresses?" He nips Red Fir's neck again and pulls him forward, guiding him toward a sturdy beam to lean against as he was being fingerfucked. He purred again. "You said to go straight for the immersion and not to 'string you along,' so unless you want to study you new workbook while I work, I guess you'll just have to get used to being a poor, lost bunny in the big, scary forest." He pulls his head back and smiles threateningly, fangs aglitter. "Pray a coeurl doesn't eat you."


He lets himself be led along easily enough, but when he's there he hooks one leg around one of Qana'to's. "Or pray that something else does," he murmurs, wrapping both arms around Qana'to's neck and leaning his chin against Qana'to's shoulder so that he can open the book and try to quickly scan it for the sentence structure so that he can guess—


The first verb in the random page Red Fir opened to is kuuji “surrender,” in a list of taxable animal goods and parts:


Regarding the tiger, surrender ears, tail, teeth, tongue, testicles and penis. The duty assessed is 35 percent.

Joa moui’zo pentoa’ir: isiqah, rijaa, orh, suu, cajah gworjaa’zo kuuji. Horai’a douti listan’ra xote’ir.

Arguably not the sexiest of topics, but Red Fir would have to work with what he had.


Good enough.

"I've got a gworjaa too, you know," he says in the same low murmur.


Guessed wrong, then, it seems. How did I find the most anatomically confusing Viera available? At least he’s cute. “Oh, is that the part craving attention? You should have specified.” He says it playfully, though his mystification glitters briefly in his eyes. Well, I am certainly getting to know him. “Underneath it is so delightfully wet, though—I can’t stand the thought of leaving that poor hole empty….” Nevertheless, he slides his fingers out traces them up the shaft, his own cock pressed at an angle between his hood and Red Fir’s thigh thanks to how the viera was wrapped around him. He feels a drip along his thigh as his fingers left their burrow, and he smiles in satisfaction. “Or was the greedy bunny needy for both?” Please say no: I have no idea how I’ll manage that. “Go on. There are no points for modesty Keeper lands.”


He whines when the fingers leave him and nods desperately into Qana'to's shoulder at that last. "Yes. Both. Please," he begs, since he's getting the impression that the miqo'te really wants to be the one taking charge today.


Why on Hydaelyn am I in charge right now? He smiles bravely and shrugs the leg holding him off so he can kneel. “Qoulthia’wo rethis.” The urge to revert to his own language was already strongest in intimate moments, and the added anxiety of the unfamiliar makes it even more tempting. He holds the shaft upright and kisses the lips beneath it before running his tongue around the perimeter.

Oh. Oh,Viera taste good! He opens his mouth wider and lets his tongue work into the slit. He indulges himself for a few seconds before snapping to. Right, the cock, too. Need to—why is this so complicated? “You learn any other neat phrases up there, little student?” he jibes to cover his difficulty with multitasking as he starts pumping the shaft above his head. “Or are you content only knowing how to beg for a cock? I’ll grant you that that’s probably the most important thing for a bunny to know.”


Oh heavens this feels good, even with the way Qana'to seems nervous and unsure about what to do. Qana'to doing a great job of covering it with bravado, and Red Fir doesn't want to embarrass him by bringing any attention to it, even if it's tempting to turn the tables. Plus, he is very cute.

That's too many thoughts to be having, though, so he turns his attention back to the sensation between his legs to immerse himself in it, which gets him to lean his head back against the wall and shut his eyes and place a hand on Qana'to's head, running his fingers through the miqo'te's hair. "Distracted," he breathes, once he's made that be true. "Learning is. Difficult. Ah, yes, do that again—"


“Distracted? Poor boy needs me to stop and let him focus, huh?” he says before diving in deeper with his tongue. The hand on his head is reassuring, a connection, and his shoulders drop as he relaxes into his task. He closes his eyes and lets his spare hand wander between his own legs. Neglect had let him wilt a bit, but his hand, wet from Red’s arousal, rectifies that easily.

He still can’t get over the taste. Less sour, more salty. For once the best word is Hingan instead. “美味しい” he exclaims.


That startles a laugh out of Red Fir, and the tension in his core from the laugh makes him squirm. "Don't want to focus," he replies. "Just want—you—"


Qana’to’s tail flicks predatorily against the ground at the feeling of Red Fir’s squirms, and he purrs and squeezes the bunny’s cocktip. The comment registers dimly in the hunting haze, delayed as his brain works through the second-language barrier while so preoccupied with touch and taste.

Aww. Cute bunny.

Nonetheless, he has found a weakness and he must pounce. The hand on his head had slackened, suggesting it was the banter rather than the physical touches that had done it. Moon’s grace, it’s the cutesy broken Hingan that does it? Well, maybe that was fair: he had leaked at Red Fir trying out the Keeper flirtation, and he was usually fairly dry. He withdraws his tongue from within his new lover and licks his lips, rehearsingly mentally before chirping:



From the way Red Fir grips Qana'to's hair while he giggles, he might be onto something there. But probably the better inference will be made from him saying, "Get up, I want your cock in me—" Ah wait is that being too bossy. "Um. Please?" There, that's better. It helps that the whine in his voice at the end is 100% genuine.


Moments ago he was slightly soft; now he throbs painfully at the quaver in the Viera’s voice. He giggles and wipes his mouth with the back of his arm before rising slowly to his feet. His lips twitch as he debates: should he keep with the immersion thing? Was Red Fir just flattering him and he should drop it before it grates? He bumps his nose gently against the Viera’s and purrs as he steals a quick kiss.

The taste of lips chases such considerations out of his head. “If this is the Shroud,” he murmurs, “then only the guy on top has to be gentle about speaking. Though your little ‘please’ was very cute.”

With one hand he pulls his cock downwards until he feels warmth against the tip. He fights the urge to press in immediately, though, and first gently takes the book back from Red Fir and motions as if to toss it. “Unless you want to study while I work, after all,” he says with a mischievous crackle in his tone.


Red Fir leans forward for a moment, chasing after the kiss, then makes a sad puppy face that's only not a pout because he's not sticking his bottom lip out.

His mouth opens to reply to the first part of that but when Qana'to mentions studying he says, in a single breath, "Are you kidding me I've seen your cock if I'm stuffed with that I'll have no attention left for anything."


Qana'to laughs in surprise as the book clatters to the ground, the tilt in his eyebrows betraying the heady embarrassment of flattery. "I won't distract you anymore, then." He leans back into a kiss, this time with his whole body so that he sinks deeper inside as he presses his lips to Red Fir's again. He moans in the back of his throat as warmth and wetness overtake his senses.


He was slightly exaggerating when he said that being filled with cock would be too distracting but Qana'to's cock is actually kind of unreasonable so it's not that hard for him to make up the difference and lean into the sensation. Red Fir isn't one to moan, usually, but he does gasp at the feeling and pull Qana'to closer, digging his nails into the miqo'te's skin and returning the kiss in earnest.


"Oh, that won't do at all," Qana'to murmurs between kisses. "My clan founder would die of shame if that's the loudest I got out of a girl I was breeding." He grabs the cock crushed between them and massages the head as he pulls back and starts the thrust harder. "Let's try that again, bunny, and see if I can get a real noise out of you. More force, maybe? Or do we just need to play with this toy in my hand more?"


He chokes out a half-giggle, half-gasp. "Am I a, ah, girl you're breeding?" he asks, aiming for arch and missing slightly due to the unavoidable quiver in his voice. But it wouldn't do to bruise his new lover's ego. "Use me. Do it harder, make me, fuck, make me have trouble, ah, make me have trouble walking. Rail me."

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