It is all he could do not to strip directly in the reception area, but he trudges back to his room at the Bokairo first. It surprises him, in retrospect, that Hancock never brought the room up in his attempts to cajole him. Then again, he had not given him much of a chance. He slithers out of his sweaty clothes with audible groans of relief and deposits them where the maid service would find them. They really do think of everything here in Kugane. It has its charms.
Turning on his heel, he marches back out into the hall, not bothering with a towel or any such pretensions. Every step gets lighter and faster until, emerging into the spa area, he launches himself into the water, wading to the edge of the highest pool and sitting. He looks around; two or three other patrons are busily ignoring him, and he returns the favor, closing his eyes.
And then opening them. A pressure had built in his groin almost the moment he had relaxed. He looks down only reluctantly. Ah, moon's mercy. The tip of his cock is poking out of the water, and he shifts awkwardly to pull it back under. He fidgets again, trying to get both comfortable and discreet.
Screw it, he thinks, and starts to purr loudly enough to drown out everything else. They can move away if they don't like it. If I'm not touching it, I can hardly be blamed.